This weekend we had a blast. On Sunday we went shopping at Grapevine Mills Mall and baby got $200 worth of free Nike clothes thanks to a coupon that his coworker gave him. Then when we walked outside and there was a circus w a huge tent and elephants and camels outside and lil ponies and so we went to the circus. It is so so hard for me to go to circuses now a days bc I know that they mistreat the animals and I feel so bad for the animals bc they have to live like that on the road. But I went so that me and baby could have a fun afternoon and it was crazy. There were alot of shows w people and not animals and so it was alot better. The best part is that at the end of the show a 6 foot man prolly age 19 folded himself up and put his body into a box the size of 4 shoe boxes! It was CRAZY!!! I have never seen anything like it! He also can fold up his body to wear he can lay his head on his rear! He folded in half and more! It was insane!
Anyway when we left the circus there were people standing outside protesting and saying that they beat and torture the animals. It was so so sad and I feel bad for going now! The circus was called Carson and Barnes.
Anyway when we were going home we saw the craziest thing on the highway! It was a rocket on wheels and it was tiny just driving on the highway next to us! It was the weirdest thing. Here is a hilarious pic of it.
hahahahahahahahah! that is the funniest looking car i've ever seen! gross. i got a Grapevine tourism guide in the mail the other day and it looks like fun there. There is this awesome hotel there and i was gonna tell yall about it for when you wanna get away or go somewhere for your anniversary. i'll send it to you sometime. i didn't know grapevine was that close. oh yeah, and that girl that won True Beauty is from Grapevine. maybe you'll see her.