Tuesday, March 17, 2009

final marriage sermon

Bringing Sexy Back
“Sex in your city”
Destiny Church
March 15, 2009

1 Corinthians 7
Stresses being content in your situation whether you are single or you are married.
There is no in between you are either single or you are married.

The Word of God talks about sex so we need to discuss this topic in the church too.
Many of us growing up were never talked to about sex in marriage and how it should be according to God’s Word.

Context and meaning of 1 Corinthians 7:
In this passage it is referring to the city of Corinth which is a wicked and evil city (kinda like Las Vegas). People from all over go there to do things they shouldn’t- prostitution, ect.
The people in that church had many men and women that they were with sexually in the church. So some people in the church said that they would holier than the others and not have sex at all. But that was not honorable either per God gave us the desires to be with one man or woman only. It is for our advantage that he did this. To receive the ultimate reward and happiness.

Before getting married make sure and know the sexual history of the person. If they cant manage themselves sexually before married then wont change once they are married.

America is ungodly, immoral and a pagan place. Sexual Promiscuity has taken over the world. If we are not careful then we can adopt the worlds point of view of sex and not God’s point of view. Our sense of holy can be perverted by the world.

We tend to assume today that if the husband and the wife are ok w what happens in the bedroom then it is ok but it is not. (example: swingers- the husband and wife are ok w sharing their bodies but God is not) They are not having sex against their will but they are having sex against Gods will. Another example is popping in X rated videos- that is lusting and that is wrong.
Just because it is in your will does not make it in Gods will.
God also doesn’t believe in 3 and 4 somes.
Also keep other people outta your brain and outta your mind. That includes pornography, movies and certain tv shows you watch. (pastor said that he cant watch Victorias Secret- it is lusting in front of his wife)
Don’t allow those other things to enter your mind.

The only reason your mate is not the best that you ever had is because you are holding to someone else.
Your relationship will be affected and influenced by every sexual relationship you had out side your marriage. You will compare them all to your mate.
So when God says no sex outside of marriage he is protecting you from all of that heart ache and this is not including the medical reasons.
Do not think that just because you do not have a disease or because you have not been caught that you got away bc God will judge.
1 Thess. 4:4
The will of God is our purity.
If the show Cheaters can track you down then trust me God can track you down.

If your spouse is cheating on u or mistreating u and God wants u to know then the Holy Spirit will bring it to your attention. You do not need to track it down yourself. God has a way of helping you find out.

1 Corinthians 7:3
Husbands must fulfil their duty to their wives and wives to their husbands.
You do not have authority over your own body, your spouse does.
We have a biblical duty to have sex with our mates on a regular basis.

Sex completes your marriage. No more excuses (women) about headaches and long days.
This is what you owe your mate.
There shouldn’t be an excuse that keeps coming up to deprive your mate of sex.
Do not use sex as a weapon.
Satan uses sex as a weapon to defeat single and married people and we do not want to help Satan and do the same thing he does.
Sex should never be a weapon in a marriage.

Something happens to your marriage and your bond together when you connect in sex in a holy marriage.

Prov. 5:15
God views sex in marriage as a form of worship.
You never get too old to participate in this worship. :)

You need to discuss with our mates what makes us sexually happy.

Your partner has committed themselves to u in sickness, death, trials, and ect and so why would u want to be w anyone else?

Adulators speak sweet as honey. They have a way of tempting and seem so perfect and always know what to say, how to say it and when to say it. If only they knew that they destroy all in contact with them.
Do not let Satan tempt you bc of your lack of self control.

- Bible implies to have a regular practice of sex
- Keep your marriage bed honorable in the sight of God (make sure the other person is comfortable with what you are doing)
- Keep others outta your mind, thoughts, bed, emotions

When we get thirsty we need something to quench our thirst and that is what our mate is for.

Pastor suggested that we call our mate “Gatorade” when we get thirsty this week. You should try it.
He is silly :)


  1. I am so impressed with your notes. It's like I went to church WITH you!
