Last night was our 4th bowling nite of our league and we won 8 out of 10 games. So that is really good. Mandrae had a top game of 235 and my top game was 149 (which sucks compared to my 190 on Sunday). But we both improved our average and Mandrae will be #1 on all categories next week. So I am excited to see that and we should be ranked higher. We are SOOO competitive it is crazy. We are like super serious! After this league we are going to get into a league that is certified by the bowling association so that we will be able to compete in tournaments individually and travel to win big money! Well depending on if I get better I might but Mandrae will for sure! He is so good. So yeah this week we are #6 out of like 12 teams and hopefully next week we wil be higher. Til next time.....................
(Sorry I didnt get pics of our crazy kids that we bowled last week- that killed us (and they are crazy crazy kids). But they did bowl AWEFUL this week and barely got over 100 and so that just shows u that when they were bowling AMAZiNG against us that they were totally lucky! :) The one guy w the broken ankle last week was begging me to kick him in the ankle and break it again so he might bowl better since he bowls good when he is hurt! CRAZY!)
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