Destiny Church
March 22, 2009
2 Busy?
By: Joel Soto (Pastor Womack was off this week)
-Make God your new To Do List.
People always say that God will not give you more than u can handle but that is not true bc God will give you more than u can handle so that you can decide what in your life means more and make specific things your priority.
We have a tendency to get too busy to pursue Christ.
Luke 10:38
Martha saw Jesus walking and without anywhere to stay the nite and so she let him into her and Marys home. Martha had a servant attitude and took the initiative to let Jesus into her home.
But Mary was devoted to Jesus and sat at his feet to listen each word he said. Sitting at someones feet was the position of a disciple or servant.
Martha was distracted and busy making food for Jesus and asked Jesus to make Mary help her prepare food bc she wasn’t getting help from Mary who was sitting at Jesus feet taking all of Him in.
Busyness (being busy) messes up your attitude.
Martha was pulled away from what really mattered – she was pulled away from Jesus.
Her attitude was affected by being busy bc instead of focusing on what mattered she wanted to get everything else done and got stressed and frustrated with her situation.
Busyness messes up your relationship.
Martha was upset that Mary didn’t help and started to look at Mary as lazy. She asked Jesus if he even cared what was going on and started accusing Jesus of not caring and of favoritism bc he was only paying attention to Mary. It affected her relationship w Mary and Jesus.
Busyness messes up your priorities.
Jesus had to tell Martha that her priorities are out of whack. She was so busy that she didn’t look at what mattered. Jesus told her she was too worried and too busy.
Martha went from excited to see Jesus to upset she wasn’t helped. All bc she was too busy. Martha invited Jesus into her home and then neglected him.
What is taking us away from Christ?
When we got saved we were excited to be w God and on fire for him and then we got busy and put Him on the back shelf. We become a casual Christian and say that Christ is our friend or homeboy and that he understands that we are busy or have too much to do. But he is not! There is only one GOD and he is the messiah and the Lord of Lords. He does care if we spend time with Him and expects us to put Him as our #1 priority.
Satan manipulates us with these thoughts that God is our friend and is only there for when we actually need Him.
B e
U nder
S atans
Y oke
If Satan cant get you with sex, lust, porn, drugs, alcohol, lies, ext. then He will catch you being busy. He will get you so busy that you forget God. You put time w God as last priority and then are easily tempted by Satans constant advances.
We should NEVER allow our jobs and ect to compete with our time with God!!
Mary chose Christ. Mary decided to put Christ ahead of anything else she could have done.
If I had more time I would…………?
We do have time and we need to think about what we fill that time with. We make time for everything else. We make time for that tv show we have to watch, that bball game we have to watch or play, that concert, overtime, shopping, ect. We make time for things we want to do and always seem to say we have no time for God.
Think about starting a devotion w family or serving in your church.
Satan uses busyness to affect EVERYONE.
If you are spending time w God then don’t let your guard down bc it is really easy to put Christ out when things pile up.
Instead of making a To Do list, make a To Don’t list and list everything that is holding you from God bc Satan is after us.
If Satan takes one in your family then we are all affected and he will get to us all with busyness. God never told us to get that huge house, new car, work 2 jobs or the other things that we do that keep us from spending time with God.
What radical change do u need to make?
If we would just be still and stand still listening to God then maybe He will have things He needs to tell us or have some answers to our problems and struggles.
We are to find rest in God and not find rest in new cars, tv, vacations, ect.
Last week we made time for sex w our spouse and this week we need to make time for God.
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Weekend fun
This weekend we had a blast. On Sunday we went shopping at Grapevine Mills Mall and baby got $200 worth of free Nike clothes thanks to a coupon that his coworker gave him. Then when we walked outside and there was a circus w a huge tent and elephants and camels outside and lil ponies and so we went to the circus. It is so so hard for me to go to circuses now a days bc I know that they mistreat the animals and I feel so bad for the animals bc they have to live like that on the road. But I went so that me and baby could have a fun afternoon and it was crazy. There were alot of shows w people and not animals and so it was alot better. The best part is that at the end of the show a 6 foot man prolly age 19 folded himself up and put his body into a box the size of 4 shoe boxes! It was CRAZY!!! I have never seen anything like it! He also can fold up his body to wear he can lay his head on his rear! He folded in half and more! It was insane!
Anyway when we left the circus there were people standing outside protesting and saying that they beat and torture the animals. It was so so sad and I feel bad for going now! The circus was called Carson and Barnes.
Anyway when we were going home we saw the craziest thing on the highway! It was a rocket on wheels and it was tiny just driving on the highway next to us! It was the weirdest thing. Here is a hilarious pic of it.
Anyway when we left the circus there were people standing outside protesting and saying that they beat and torture the animals. It was so so sad and I feel bad for going now! The circus was called Carson and Barnes.
Anyway when we were going home we saw the craziest thing on the highway! It was a rocket on wheels and it was tiny just driving on the highway next to us! It was the weirdest thing. Here is a hilarious pic of it.

How sweet!
Ok so on Saturday I woke up to baby making me breakfast and he made me pancakes. He has never made me pancakes before so I was excited. He brought me a plate with 2 pancakes but lets just say they were MONSTER MONSTER pancakes! We have pretty big plates and these pancakes almost ran over the edges of the plate and they were 4 inches thick! :)
He is crazy. I took a picture but it didnt save into my phone and so I am sad about that but it was hilarious! And on top of that there were egg shells in the pancakes too. But he is so sweet! :)
He is crazy. I took a picture but it didnt save into my phone and so I am sad about that but it was hilarious! And on top of that there were egg shells in the pancakes too. But he is so sweet! :)
I am sitting here eating 3 separate cookie size pieces of choc. Chip cookie dough and am wondering:
Is it worse to eat the cookie before it goes in the oven or after?
There are a few arguments for this question. First I wonder if u eat the cookie fully baked if u get more carbs and therefore gain more weight. Or if you eat the dough does it bake in ur tummy and the dough expands in the warm inner part of your body? Hmmm….. not sure. I am sure that either way is bad but which one causes u to gain more weight? The cookie dough is smaller than the actual cookie and so one would think that the cookie dough is better or should I say would not make you as fat but I am sure that I am wrong. O man I just don’t know for sure.
Is it worse to eat the cookie before it goes in the oven or after?
There are a few arguments for this question. First I wonder if u eat the cookie fully baked if u get more carbs and therefore gain more weight. Or if you eat the dough does it bake in ur tummy and the dough expands in the warm inner part of your body? Hmmm….. not sure. I am sure that either way is bad but which one causes u to gain more weight? The cookie dough is smaller than the actual cookie and so one would think that the cookie dough is better or should I say would not make you as fat but I am sure that I am wrong. O man I just don’t know for sure.
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
League Nite- A lil better
Last night was our 4th bowling nite of our league and we won 8 out of 10 games. So that is really good. Mandrae had a top game of 235 and my top game was 149 (which sucks compared to my 190 on Sunday). But we both improved our average and Mandrae will be #1 on all categories next week. So I am excited to see that and we should be ranked higher. We are SOOO competitive it is crazy. We are like super serious! After this league we are going to get into a league that is certified by the bowling association so that we will be able to compete in tournaments individually and travel to win big money! Well depending on if I get better I might but Mandrae will for sure! He is so good. So yeah this week we are #6 out of like 12 teams and hopefully next week we wil be higher. Til next time.....................
(Sorry I didnt get pics of our crazy kids that we bowled last week- that killed us (and they are crazy crazy kids). But they did bowl AWEFUL this week and barely got over 100 and so that just shows u that when they were bowling AMAZiNG against us that they were totally lucky! :) The one guy w the broken ankle last week was begging me to kick him in the ankle and break it again so he might bowl better since he bowls good when he is hurt! CRAZY!)

(Sorry I didnt get pics of our crazy kids that we bowled last week- that killed us (and they are crazy crazy kids). But they did bowl AWEFUL this week and barely got over 100 and so that just shows u that when they were bowling AMAZiNG against us that they were totally lucky! :) The one guy w the broken ankle last week was begging me to kick him in the ankle and break it again so he might bowl better since he bowls good when he is hurt! CRAZY!)

Tuesday, March 17, 2009
pic of my fav lil boots! :)
This is boots begging me for a treat! She has been so good lately! I tell her to go potty and she RUNS our the doggy door and flies right back in like there is no door in the way just to get her treat that she deserves for pottying outside. Mandrae doesnt understand why she should get a treat for doing something that she should already be doing, but that is how we have always been w our dogs. (and it seems to be working)

Sunday afternoon project
On Sunday after church baby, boots and I all decided to fix up our lil garden in the front of the house and try to do flowers again. So we went to Home Depot and bought 4 bags of soil, Miracle Grow soil, 4 big bags of mulch and 2 trays of orange marigolds. We spent all afternoon tilling the ground and pulling bricks outta the ground and rocks outta our soil hoping that this time our flowers would not die bc they always seem to die on us. We were determined this time to make it work. So we borrowed some tools from the neighbors and got to work. And let me tell you I am SOOOOO sore from all that work. I cant even walk. My legs are SORE! Well here are some pics of our lil garden area. I am thinking of adding some white flowers to make it more variety and not so uniform! :)
Pray for the flowers that they stay alive.

Pray for the flowers that they stay alive.

final marriage sermon
Bringing Sexy Back
“Sex in your city”
Destiny Church
March 15, 2009
1 Corinthians 7
Stresses being content in your situation whether you are single or you are married.
There is no in between you are either single or you are married.
The Word of God talks about sex so we need to discuss this topic in the church too.
Many of us growing up were never talked to about sex in marriage and how it should be according to God’s Word.
Context and meaning of 1 Corinthians 7:
In this passage it is referring to the city of Corinth which is a wicked and evil city (kinda like Las Vegas). People from all over go there to do things they shouldn’t- prostitution, ect.
The people in that church had many men and women that they were with sexually in the church. So some people in the church said that they would holier than the others and not have sex at all. But that was not honorable either per God gave us the desires to be with one man or woman only. It is for our advantage that he did this. To receive the ultimate reward and happiness.
Before getting married make sure and know the sexual history of the person. If they cant manage themselves sexually before married then wont change once they are married.
America is ungodly, immoral and a pagan place. Sexual Promiscuity has taken over the world. If we are not careful then we can adopt the worlds point of view of sex and not God’s point of view. Our sense of holy can be perverted by the world.
We tend to assume today that if the husband and the wife are ok w what happens in the bedroom then it is ok but it is not. (example: swingers- the husband and wife are ok w sharing their bodies but God is not) They are not having sex against their will but they are having sex against Gods will. Another example is popping in X rated videos- that is lusting and that is wrong.
Just because it is in your will does not make it in Gods will.
God also doesn’t believe in 3 and 4 somes.
Also keep other people outta your brain and outta your mind. That includes pornography, movies and certain tv shows you watch. (pastor said that he cant watch Victorias Secret- it is lusting in front of his wife)
Don’t allow those other things to enter your mind.
The only reason your mate is not the best that you ever had is because you are holding to someone else.
Your relationship will be affected and influenced by every sexual relationship you had out side your marriage. You will compare them all to your mate.
So when God says no sex outside of marriage he is protecting you from all of that heart ache and this is not including the medical reasons.
Do not think that just because you do not have a disease or because you have not been caught that you got away bc God will judge.
1 Thess. 4:4
The will of God is our purity.
If the show Cheaters can track you down then trust me God can track you down.
If your spouse is cheating on u or mistreating u and God wants u to know then the Holy Spirit will bring it to your attention. You do not need to track it down yourself. God has a way of helping you find out.
1 Corinthians 7:3
Husbands must fulfil their duty to their wives and wives to their husbands.
You do not have authority over your own body, your spouse does.
We have a biblical duty to have sex with our mates on a regular basis.
Sex completes your marriage. No more excuses (women) about headaches and long days.
This is what you owe your mate.
There shouldn’t be an excuse that keeps coming up to deprive your mate of sex.
Do not use sex as a weapon.
Satan uses sex as a weapon to defeat single and married people and we do not want to help Satan and do the same thing he does.
Sex should never be a weapon in a marriage.
Something happens to your marriage and your bond together when you connect in sex in a holy marriage.
Prov. 5:15
God views sex in marriage as a form of worship.
You never get too old to participate in this worship. :)
You need to discuss with our mates what makes us sexually happy.
Your partner has committed themselves to u in sickness, death, trials, and ect and so why would u want to be w anyone else?
Adulators speak sweet as honey. They have a way of tempting and seem so perfect and always know what to say, how to say it and when to say it. If only they knew that they destroy all in contact with them.
Do not let Satan tempt you bc of your lack of self control.
- Bible implies to have a regular practice of sex
- Keep your marriage bed honorable in the sight of God (make sure the other person is comfortable with what you are doing)
- Keep others outta your mind, thoughts, bed, emotions
When we get thirsty we need something to quench our thirst and that is what our mate is for.
Pastor suggested that we call our mate “Gatorade” when we get thirsty this week. You should try it.
He is silly :)
“Sex in your city”
Destiny Church
March 15, 2009
1 Corinthians 7
Stresses being content in your situation whether you are single or you are married.
There is no in between you are either single or you are married.
The Word of God talks about sex so we need to discuss this topic in the church too.
Many of us growing up were never talked to about sex in marriage and how it should be according to God’s Word.
Context and meaning of 1 Corinthians 7:
In this passage it is referring to the city of Corinth which is a wicked and evil city (kinda like Las Vegas). People from all over go there to do things they shouldn’t- prostitution, ect.
The people in that church had many men and women that they were with sexually in the church. So some people in the church said that they would holier than the others and not have sex at all. But that was not honorable either per God gave us the desires to be with one man or woman only. It is for our advantage that he did this. To receive the ultimate reward and happiness.
Before getting married make sure and know the sexual history of the person. If they cant manage themselves sexually before married then wont change once they are married.
America is ungodly, immoral and a pagan place. Sexual Promiscuity has taken over the world. If we are not careful then we can adopt the worlds point of view of sex and not God’s point of view. Our sense of holy can be perverted by the world.
We tend to assume today that if the husband and the wife are ok w what happens in the bedroom then it is ok but it is not. (example: swingers- the husband and wife are ok w sharing their bodies but God is not) They are not having sex against their will but they are having sex against Gods will. Another example is popping in X rated videos- that is lusting and that is wrong.
Just because it is in your will does not make it in Gods will.
God also doesn’t believe in 3 and 4 somes.
Also keep other people outta your brain and outta your mind. That includes pornography, movies and certain tv shows you watch. (pastor said that he cant watch Victorias Secret- it is lusting in front of his wife)
Don’t allow those other things to enter your mind.
The only reason your mate is not the best that you ever had is because you are holding to someone else.
Your relationship will be affected and influenced by every sexual relationship you had out side your marriage. You will compare them all to your mate.
So when God says no sex outside of marriage he is protecting you from all of that heart ache and this is not including the medical reasons.
Do not think that just because you do not have a disease or because you have not been caught that you got away bc God will judge.
1 Thess. 4:4
The will of God is our purity.
If the show Cheaters can track you down then trust me God can track you down.
If your spouse is cheating on u or mistreating u and God wants u to know then the Holy Spirit will bring it to your attention. You do not need to track it down yourself. God has a way of helping you find out.
1 Corinthians 7:3
Husbands must fulfil their duty to their wives and wives to their husbands.
You do not have authority over your own body, your spouse does.
We have a biblical duty to have sex with our mates on a regular basis.
Sex completes your marriage. No more excuses (women) about headaches and long days.
This is what you owe your mate.
There shouldn’t be an excuse that keeps coming up to deprive your mate of sex.
Do not use sex as a weapon.
Satan uses sex as a weapon to defeat single and married people and we do not want to help Satan and do the same thing he does.
Sex should never be a weapon in a marriage.
Something happens to your marriage and your bond together when you connect in sex in a holy marriage.
Prov. 5:15
God views sex in marriage as a form of worship.
You never get too old to participate in this worship. :)
You need to discuss with our mates what makes us sexually happy.
Your partner has committed themselves to u in sickness, death, trials, and ect and so why would u want to be w anyone else?
Adulators speak sweet as honey. They have a way of tempting and seem so perfect and always know what to say, how to say it and when to say it. If only they knew that they destroy all in contact with them.
Do not let Satan tempt you bc of your lack of self control.
- Bible implies to have a regular practice of sex
- Keep your marriage bed honorable in the sight of God (make sure the other person is comfortable with what you are doing)
- Keep others outta your mind, thoughts, bed, emotions
When we get thirsty we need something to quench our thirst and that is what our mate is for.
Pastor suggested that we call our mate “Gatorade” when we get thirsty this week. You should try it.
He is silly :)
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
The Real "Lousy Bowlers" League Nite
Ok so last nite was our 3rd league nite with the Lousy Bowlers and let me tell you that we definately lived up to the name last night! We bowled the 2 crazy guys that are like 19 years old and never bowled good before last night. We were pumped up and ready to kill them. Their name ironically is "Kill Zone." So we get there and one of them has a broken ankle and a hurt wrist. So I am like, "o man this will be even easier than I thought." I started our bowling pretty good and he started with 4 strikes in a row!!! (that is the guy w the broken ankle!) HOW CRAZY is that???
well his partner decided he was going to bowl his best games too. And me and Mandrae I guess decided to bowl our worst. We tried so hard (I guess too hard) and we did SO bad and let me tell you, THEY KILLED US! EVERY GAME! So long #1 Collins team. When we were done bowling Mandrae and I wanted to quit bowling forever. It was aweful! Every one in the bowling alley did bad last nite except of course the team we played. The team that prolly wont play like that ever again in their life. Lucky us.
well his partner decided he was going to bowl his best games too. And me and Mandrae I guess decided to bowl our worst. We tried so hard (I guess too hard) and we did SO bad and let me tell you, THEY KILLED US! EVERY GAME! So long #1 Collins team. When we were done bowling Mandrae and I wanted to quit bowling forever. It was aweful! Every one in the bowling alley did bad last nite except of course the team we played. The team that prolly wont play like that ever again in their life. Lucky us.
Sunday fun
So after church on Sunday this couple in our church invited us to their house to eat lunch and play games with other couples in the church. So after our bowling ritual after church we went to their house. They are both school teachers and we have never been to their house before. When we got there we found out that they have lived there for 9 years and they have the same color of carpet we have and it was spotless. And their tile looked great too! Spotless and shiny. So we ate and had fun playing Taboo with the other 2 couples and were there for almost 4 hours and when we left we got home and looked at our house with disgust. So that night we went to Home Depot and bought tile grout cleaner, sealant, grout stainer, bottle with a roller for grout, gloves and some carpet powder. So all night long we stained our grout with bleach and so we were on our hands and knees rolling bleach into the cracks of our tile and it took around 5 hours to get bleached and while that sat we vacuumed with the powder to cover up some of the smell til we can get our carpet professionally cleaned. Then we scrubbed off the bleach and sprayed a tile- grout cleaner on it and then mopped the floor after sweeping. Then once the was dry the next morning I mopped on a sealant. But I walked on it before it was totally dry bc you are supposed to wait around 2 days before walking on it and now our sealant has foot prints on it. :(
Anyway our next project is the carpet and hopefully it will take out that nasty puppy potty smell. We are still trying to find someone that is afordable and can take the smell out too. Then when that is done we will invite them over for some of my cooking (take out) and some match mate (the game my sister got us for Christmas that is so much fun). :)
Anyway our next project is the carpet and hopefully it will take out that nasty puppy potty smell. We are still trying to find someone that is afordable and can take the smell out too. Then when that is done we will invite them over for some of my cooking (take out) and some match mate (the game my sister got us for Christmas that is so much fun). :)
Continuation of marriage sermon- march 8, 2009
Bring Sexy Back- Flavor of Love
“How to make your spouse tick without ticking them off”
March 8, 2009
Secrets of Sensational Love:
First you need to know the definition of love.
Love- “Passionately, righteously and consistently doing what is in the best interest of the other person based on the Word and Will of God.”
Love that is not expressed is (goes without action):
- unbiblical
- useless
- worthless
You may be doing things that show you love them but they don’t take it as love. There are 5 love languages:
- Words of Affirmation
- Affection
- Quality Time
- Gifts
- Acts of Kindness
Your mate might not have the same love language as you do (most always do not) and you are expressing love but it is not the kind of love that your spouse needs to know that you love them.
For example: Mandrae and I have totally different love languages. He grew up with affection and so needs physical touch to feel loved and I grew up with gifts and I need gifts to know that he loves me. Sound shallow I know but it is usually how my family expressed our love. We both show each other love in the way we know and learned how to but that is not the ultimate love that the other needs. When Mandrae gets outta his comfort zone and buys me something or spends time to think of something to do for me I feel more love bc I know that is hard for him and it is easy for him to be affectionate with me. He feels more love when I am affectionate w him bc that is hard for me to do and real easy for me think of creative things to buys or lil things to do. Of course we both love all of it but that is how we can get the most love out of each other and feel sensational love.
Expectations are a lens to manifestations.
Your mate is still in progress with their walk with Christ and will always be. They will not be completed until Christ comes.
Phil. 1:6
When you marry a believer their body might deteriorate but God is at work on the inside. Their life is appreciating and not depreciating in Christ.
Do not put your mate down or they might live up to the names you call them.
If your mate is not saved, pray they become saved.
Live on the outside what God has worked on you in the inside and that will make a difference and could be used to change your spouses heart.
God knows when we are stressed or when times are rough and he has taken us through so much so that when trials come the good he put inside you will come out of you.
Phil. 2:13
Do not give up on your spouse bc God is at work inside them.
Someone once sd that if you get saved you have it made and that is not the case. God will always be changing you and working on you and we are to expect change on ourselves and our marriages. Things will not always be fun or easy but they will be for the better.
The only thing not changing in the midst of it all is God.
We tend to try to transform our spouses ourselves but only God can do that. Let God change your mate.
The more you reflect Christ, the bigger influence you have on that person.
God controls your Wills and desires if you allow Him to.
Ask God to change your wrong emotions and actions.
And expect God to change your mate.
Soft answers turn away wrath.
We face a war of words in our lives.
You can go out to a nice dinner with your spouse or have a great day but words can RUIN everything.
We bring up old baggage and old stories and ruin loving moments because we do not know how to guard our tongues.
Words are like seeds and some times we plant words that are annuals.
Watch your tongue with your mate and guard your words.
Prov. 15:1
When you love your mate you watch your words.
Prov. 25:15
Words have power.
The more you scream your words the more power you think that you have but this is not true bc a soft word can break the bone.
We cannot put our mate down and except them to not live up to what we just called them.
Are your words constructive or destructive?
Prov. 25:5/ 15:28
A righteous person ponders how to answer.
The righteous person responds appropriately and has patience and sensitivity with their tongue.
Love is expressed when you are available.
LOVE is spelled TIME!
When you love someone you make time for them.
Control your time.
Control your schedule at work and make sure you are making time for your family.
Concentrate your time when are with your family. Stay off the phone, internet and actually spend time together.
One of the hardest things to do is to be where you are.
When we are at work we take care of home and when we are at home we take care of work.
Turn off distractions when you are together. Channel your time.
Once a year leave with your mate for time for just the 2 of you.
Eph. 4:3
Each person must take responsibility for developing unity.
There needs to be a healthy connection between the 2 of u.
Interdependence- a hearty connection
Sometimes you are not connecting bc one person is not open to the connection.
You need intimacy- “in to me you see”
Expose yourself to your mate.
Adam and Eve were naked and unashamed, they were bare physically, emotionally, and mentally.
When you are loved it doesn’t matter what they see bc you know that you are loved no matter what.
Do not be afraid to show who you are.
Sometimes you get into a mode where the other person has done you so wrong that you vow to never open up with them again bc you feel to vulnerable but when doing that you drive a wedge between each other deeper and deeper.
Matt. 19:6
“Love is best when its an action rather than a reaction.”
Anticipate the needs and desires of your mate.
Don’t just respond to their acts of love.
Plan your acts of love.
In marriage there will be trials, it will come and we need to be proactive.
Remember that silence is a weapon and should not be used in marriage.
None of this can be implemented correctly without Christ. Only He can give us what we need to build a healthy and happy marriage.
“How to make your spouse tick without ticking them off”
March 8, 2009
Secrets of Sensational Love:
First you need to know the definition of love.
Love- “Passionately, righteously and consistently doing what is in the best interest of the other person based on the Word and Will of God.”
Love that is not expressed is (goes without action):
- unbiblical
- useless
- worthless
You may be doing things that show you love them but they don’t take it as love. There are 5 love languages:
- Words of Affirmation
- Affection
- Quality Time
- Gifts
- Acts of Kindness
Your mate might not have the same love language as you do (most always do not) and you are expressing love but it is not the kind of love that your spouse needs to know that you love them.
For example: Mandrae and I have totally different love languages. He grew up with affection and so needs physical touch to feel loved and I grew up with gifts and I need gifts to know that he loves me. Sound shallow I know but it is usually how my family expressed our love. We both show each other love in the way we know and learned how to but that is not the ultimate love that the other needs. When Mandrae gets outta his comfort zone and buys me something or spends time to think of something to do for me I feel more love bc I know that is hard for him and it is easy for him to be affectionate with me. He feels more love when I am affectionate w him bc that is hard for me to do and real easy for me think of creative things to buys or lil things to do. Of course we both love all of it but that is how we can get the most love out of each other and feel sensational love.
Expectations are a lens to manifestations.
Your mate is still in progress with their walk with Christ and will always be. They will not be completed until Christ comes.
Phil. 1:6
When you marry a believer their body might deteriorate but God is at work on the inside. Their life is appreciating and not depreciating in Christ.
Do not put your mate down or they might live up to the names you call them.
If your mate is not saved, pray they become saved.
Live on the outside what God has worked on you in the inside and that will make a difference and could be used to change your spouses heart.
God knows when we are stressed or when times are rough and he has taken us through so much so that when trials come the good he put inside you will come out of you.
Phil. 2:13
Do not give up on your spouse bc God is at work inside them.
Someone once sd that if you get saved you have it made and that is not the case. God will always be changing you and working on you and we are to expect change on ourselves and our marriages. Things will not always be fun or easy but they will be for the better.
The only thing not changing in the midst of it all is God.
We tend to try to transform our spouses ourselves but only God can do that. Let God change your mate.
The more you reflect Christ, the bigger influence you have on that person.
God controls your Wills and desires if you allow Him to.
Ask God to change your wrong emotions and actions.
And expect God to change your mate.
Soft answers turn away wrath.
We face a war of words in our lives.
You can go out to a nice dinner with your spouse or have a great day but words can RUIN everything.
We bring up old baggage and old stories and ruin loving moments because we do not know how to guard our tongues.
Words are like seeds and some times we plant words that are annuals.
Watch your tongue with your mate and guard your words.
Prov. 15:1
When you love your mate you watch your words.
Prov. 25:15
Words have power.
The more you scream your words the more power you think that you have but this is not true bc a soft word can break the bone.
We cannot put our mate down and except them to not live up to what we just called them.
Are your words constructive or destructive?
Prov. 25:5/ 15:28
A righteous person ponders how to answer.
The righteous person responds appropriately and has patience and sensitivity with their tongue.
Love is expressed when you are available.
LOVE is spelled TIME!
When you love someone you make time for them.
Control your time.
Control your schedule at work and make sure you are making time for your family.
Concentrate your time when are with your family. Stay off the phone, internet and actually spend time together.
One of the hardest things to do is to be where you are.
When we are at work we take care of home and when we are at home we take care of work.
Turn off distractions when you are together. Channel your time.
Once a year leave with your mate for time for just the 2 of you.
Eph. 4:3
Each person must take responsibility for developing unity.
There needs to be a healthy connection between the 2 of u.
Interdependence- a hearty connection
Sometimes you are not connecting bc one person is not open to the connection.
You need intimacy- “in to me you see”
Expose yourself to your mate.
Adam and Eve were naked and unashamed, they were bare physically, emotionally, and mentally.
When you are loved it doesn’t matter what they see bc you know that you are loved no matter what.
Do not be afraid to show who you are.
Sometimes you get into a mode where the other person has done you so wrong that you vow to never open up with them again bc you feel to vulnerable but when doing that you drive a wedge between each other deeper and deeper.
Matt. 19:6
“Love is best when its an action rather than a reaction.”
Anticipate the needs and desires of your mate.
Don’t just respond to their acts of love.
Plan your acts of love.
In marriage there will be trials, it will come and we need to be proactive.
Remember that silence is a weapon and should not be used in marriage.
None of this can be implemented correctly without Christ. Only He can give us what we need to build a healthy and happy marriage.
Thursday, March 5, 2009
League Nite
Ok so we had our second league nite on Tuesday and two other teams joined the league. And on top of all of that it was SO much FUN! We figured out how it works and last week we were #1 and we get a score card each week showing you who was first and of course Mandrae was and our team was #1. You play against one team a week and so each week you try to beat the team that you are playing with. We didnt do the best this week again but we both got better. We didnt beat our team though. They also have individual rewards and one reward is 3 free games. So that is the best award for Mandrae. He won 2 awards! I am hoping to win some next week but I prolly wont bc i didnt do the best. I cant for some reason bowl over a 150 in the league and that usually isnt that hard. O well I will just keep getting better. But now that we understand we are realy competitive and having a ton of fun! Mandrae bowled really bad on his first game and he was so upset that he couldnt sleep! I guess bc I beat him.
Sorry mom
Ok so my mom got me these new awesome sheets that are so so soft. We love them. Well the last few days I have been waiting on my monthly present and thought for sure that I was pregnant again (just like every single month when this happens). I had more pregnant symptoms this time though. Anyway last nite I got really sick and every time I laid on the sheets I got real hot and started throwing up. So in the middle of the nite I had to take my sheets off and lay on my padding on top of my mattress. And so now I cant sleep on those sheets or it makes me throw up and thought for sure that the reason was because I was pregnant. So I called in sick to work bc I felt so bad today and then I woke up with my monthly present today. Gosh it is SO depressing!! I guess those sheets just make me sick? Sorry mom. I do love them but I cant sleep on them. I am so sad! I want to be pregnant so bad. All morning I have watched shows and commericials with lil cute babies too. O well hopefully the reason is bc I gave blood this month and they say that you cant give blood when you want to be pregnant. Ok well maybe next month. I just keep getting older and older and it is taking too long.
Ok so tell me if this is rude. Me and boots went to McDonalds and got some lunch and boots was sitting in the passenger seat all strecthed out in the sun and when I pulled up to the window to pay the lady she was with her manager. And her manager said (a man), "ahhh.. how cute is that a chiauaha (however u spell that)?" and then before the lady could shut the window she yelled, "I DONT CARE THAT DOG IS UGLY!" And then shut the door and I was so MAD!
I looked at her but could not see her bc the sun was in my eyes but I hope her manager chewed her out for being rude to cute innocent animals! Lil boots knew what she said about her too bc she looked at me forever like, "is that true?" But I gave her plenty of chicken nuggets to make her feel better.
I looked at her but could not see her bc the sun was in my eyes but I hope her manager chewed her out for being rude to cute innocent animals! Lil boots knew what she said about her too bc she looked at me forever like, "is that true?" But I gave her plenty of chicken nuggets to make her feel better.
Monday, March 2, 2009
Please keep your boys outta the womens bathroom!
Ok so on Saturday afternoon Mandrae, my mom and I went to Target. Before we went shopping for soothies for Parker my mom and I need to go to the bathroom. So I got in the stall of the bathroom and I heard a lady saying, "NO JOEY." She said it a few times and as I was on the toilet with my shirt up I saw some eyes in the crack of the stall. I was SO mad. I tried to kick the door so that it hit his lil pervy face but I couldnt reach the door with my foot and so I started like grunting but he just kept staring and his mom kept saying over and over "NO JOEY." But did he stop looking? NO, of course not. URGH, I was so so mad. So I finally get out and he is staring at me with these nasty eyes (like haha I saw you in the bathroom eyes). He was probably 8 years old. Anyway it was the most annoying thing I have been through. And I have to say kids have been annoying me everywhere lately. Today in Walmart I was standing in line and some lil girl was behind me and her mom left her w her cart for a while and she decided it would be funny to run her cart into me a few times. SO HILARIOUS THESE LIL KIDS!! Maybe I dont want kids anytime soon. :)
So yeah anyway please dont let your boys in the ladies room past age 4. Thanks. :)
So yeah anyway please dont let your boys in the ladies room past age 4. Thanks. :)
a lil too fast
So Mandrae and I went to Oklahoma to see my mom and watch a Private Quarters seminar. (and mom by the way I had a great time :) ) So Mandrae drove all the way to Oklahoma by himself and I was so exhausted that I fell asleep and I felt really bad. So before we drove home to Texas on Saturday night we watched the CBA boys play a great game and win the championship and now they are going to state. So the gane got over at 10 pm and I decided to drive to be nice to Mandrae and let him sleep because we had a long day. So I was going the speed limit the whole time and I got to the point where I was so tired that I thought we would die at anytime bc my eyes kept closing. So I decided to go over the speed limit by 5 miles so we could get home sooner. I tried everything to stay awake and I watched the GPS system the whole time and counted down the miles one by one. It was the longest nite of my life and then in the other lane I saw a car and it came through the grass in the middle and turned his lights on. So Mandrae was asleep and I got pulled over. So the cop goes to Mandraes side of the car and asks for my dl and insurance and we gave it to him and when he came back he asked me to get outta the car and so I did but I had my jeans unbuttoned bc they hurt me when I drive. So I prayed the whole time I got out with my red eyes and tired, almost drunken walk. My pants didnt fall down and he didnt notice that they we undone but he did give me a 211$ ticket. I guess I was going 16 over.
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