Tuesday, September 1, 2009


So this weekend I had my first parties ever for Private Quarters and I was so nervous and had no idea what to do and was dreading it. I was not excited and have to admit was scared. Like giving a speech in college. Well my first party was on Saturday and I knew almost everyone that came and so thought I would do a good job. I flew through the presentation and I don’t think I did good at all. It was really awkward and I asked Mandrae not to be there because I was nervous and scared to do it. Well we still ended up with A LOT of sales and the party ended up great! The best part I have to say though are the host rewards. My host got a lot of great products for pretty much nothing. She ended up getting 5 of the 7 layers for her bed at NOTHING! It was amazing. Well the next day on Sunday we had 2 parties scheduled. These I was nervous for because I do not know anyone that comes to these parties. I thought that I would do worse with people I don’t know. Mandrae agreed to help me out at these parties. Well 2:00 pm rolled around for the first party and no one. No one ended up showing up. My host was upset. It was okay though because her mom had a party at 4:30 pm. At her party 4 people showed up and they all bought! The presentation was much easier and much better. I am loving showing off these products because I love them so so much! I am learning so so much. She sold so much that she got even more products for nothing. So for a total of around 4 hours I made about the same amount of money that I make at my job now in one week. It was amazing and we see the money right away. I am convinced that this will work as a job and I cant wait to see what is in store for the future. When people see how nice these products are they will come running back for more. And once I get everything lined up and started and they see me making the big bucks I will be ready to go and people will be begging to start w the company. YAY!
Okay well I just had to share because I am so excited about my weekend and how much money we made, how easy it was, and how much fun it was.

And praise the Lord our bowling league is over!!! Mandrae and I got first place and are super exhausted from the league and the stress of making sure everyone pays and comes each week. The bowling alley is super nice and say they will still make us a trophy and gave us our prize winnings for pizza on the last day. That was really nice of them bc we owed them a lot of money since not everyone showed up each week. So it ended good and people want us to do it again but we are not so sure about that. We will see I guess.

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