I give my belly button one more week til it will be completely poke out. :) You can tell I am bored. Haha. Anyway last nite it was really close to being all the way pushed out and so I give it one more week.
And I told Mandrae last nite when this baby comes out she is getting about 50 spankings for all this kicking!!! I dont know how much longer my insides can take it. And NOW she has moved to my ribs!!! HELP ME!
I sit at work, like right now, and watch her head, arms, legs, fingers, toes, ears, rear, back, knees, elbows- all poking through my stomach and wondering just how much longer it will be til she bursts a kidney, bladder, intestine, lung! O goodness THE PAIN!
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Sermon- Sept 27th- VERY POWERFUL!
Between 2 Worlds:
1 Peter 1:1
We as Christians (believers) have been left behind by our family of origin and have to figure out how to live on earth. We are in a sense like E.T.- we are aliens to earth. We are born on earth but earth is not our home. We are caught between earth and heaven. God wants us to live to the beat of a different drummer here on earth. We cannot live like those here on earth because we live between two worlds. Everybody else doesn’t live like us or carry the same value system that we carry. We live only to bring glory to God. Our great temptation here on earth is to withdraw from where God wants us to live on earth. We can get caught up in arrogance of not wanting society around us and withdrawing or separating ourselves from the world. Our great tendency is to duplicate the values and morals of this fallen society. There must be a difference between how we view family, finances and our way of thinking.
We reside on earth as aliens (foreigners) but this is all temporary, we will be in heaven in the end.
We will face trials and pain and it will get the best of us if we are using an earthly mindset. Sometimes we pray for God to deliver us from things he puts in our lives and we waste our time asking God to remove ways He has already placed out for us.
We are displaced here on earth but for a specific reason. If we get too comfortable we will not be able to be ambassadors for God. We can either avoid society or become ambassadors to the society that we live in. We are living too earthbound and need to transform out thinking to living as aliens. We are living too much for other people and satisfying them (too concerned about what they think of us and not what God is calling us to do). As we go through pain, God may not take it away but we should be comforted knowing that God is there for us.
One day Pastors son was sick and in bed crying and Pastor tried to get him to cry it out but his son kept crying for a long time. So pastor went in his room and started to rub his back and his tears turned into snoring. Pastor didn’t take his pain away or heal him but his son was comforted with the fact that his daddy was there.
That is how we should feel in Christ. He may not always take the pain away but He is always there to comfort us.
When was the last time you thought about sharing your faith? When was the last time u shared your faith?
When we come to Jesus it shouldn’t just change our destination but also our thinking, morals and values as well.
The world is concerned about your image and your outside but God is concerned about your heart. We need to stand up and say this isn’t Burger King but the King of Kings and you cant “have it your way” once you are saved!
We cant control what is around us and we will suffer but we need to align ourselves with Christ and not with society. We are scared of man now a days when our real fear needs to be of God. We are scared of our boss and of what people might say but we need to instead be obedient to Christ first. We will still suffer in our obedience and disobedience because there is only place that we will NOT suffer and we are not there yet. Only one place is perfect and that is HEAVEN. God had to save the best for us for later.
Just remember that we will encounter suffering. When you live for Christ you will be ridiculed. Any culture or society that is not influenced is influenced by Satan. There is no in between. You can only be influenced by God or Satan. There is no will is not influenced by one or the other.
If you think that God is calling you or asking u to do something- consult his Word. God leads through His Word and His direction will never conflict with his Word.
1 Peter 1:1
We as Christians (believers) have been left behind by our family of origin and have to figure out how to live on earth. We are in a sense like E.T.- we are aliens to earth. We are born on earth but earth is not our home. We are caught between earth and heaven. God wants us to live to the beat of a different drummer here on earth. We cannot live like those here on earth because we live between two worlds. Everybody else doesn’t live like us or carry the same value system that we carry. We live only to bring glory to God. Our great temptation here on earth is to withdraw from where God wants us to live on earth. We can get caught up in arrogance of not wanting society around us and withdrawing or separating ourselves from the world. Our great tendency is to duplicate the values and morals of this fallen society. There must be a difference between how we view family, finances and our way of thinking.
We reside on earth as aliens (foreigners) but this is all temporary, we will be in heaven in the end.
We will face trials and pain and it will get the best of us if we are using an earthly mindset. Sometimes we pray for God to deliver us from things he puts in our lives and we waste our time asking God to remove ways He has already placed out for us.
We are displaced here on earth but for a specific reason. If we get too comfortable we will not be able to be ambassadors for God. We can either avoid society or become ambassadors to the society that we live in. We are living too earthbound and need to transform out thinking to living as aliens. We are living too much for other people and satisfying them (too concerned about what they think of us and not what God is calling us to do). As we go through pain, God may not take it away but we should be comforted knowing that God is there for us.
One day Pastors son was sick and in bed crying and Pastor tried to get him to cry it out but his son kept crying for a long time. So pastor went in his room and started to rub his back and his tears turned into snoring. Pastor didn’t take his pain away or heal him but his son was comforted with the fact that his daddy was there.
That is how we should feel in Christ. He may not always take the pain away but He is always there to comfort us.
When was the last time you thought about sharing your faith? When was the last time u shared your faith?
When we come to Jesus it shouldn’t just change our destination but also our thinking, morals and values as well.
The world is concerned about your image and your outside but God is concerned about your heart. We need to stand up and say this isn’t Burger King but the King of Kings and you cant “have it your way” once you are saved!
We cant control what is around us and we will suffer but we need to align ourselves with Christ and not with society. We are scared of man now a days when our real fear needs to be of God. We are scared of our boss and of what people might say but we need to instead be obedient to Christ first. We will still suffer in our obedience and disobedience because there is only place that we will NOT suffer and we are not there yet. Only one place is perfect and that is HEAVEN. God had to save the best for us for later.
Just remember that we will encounter suffering. When you live for Christ you will be ridiculed. Any culture or society that is not influenced is influenced by Satan. There is no in between. You can only be influenced by God or Satan. There is no will is not influenced by one or the other.
If you think that God is calling you or asking u to do something- consult his Word. God leads through His Word and His direction will never conflict with his Word.
Dr. Update
Ok so yesterday was my MRI appointment. My migraines do not seem to be getting any better and the last 2 days I noticed that my right ear which is the side that my migraines are on has been bleeding, not a lot but it is really weird bc I never had my ears bleed and I clean at least one time a week. So I found that weird. Anyway I couldn’t wait to go to my MRI appt so I could maybe find why I am having migraines and get it fixed. Well after my 30 min wait in the waiting room I went to the MRI room to have it done and she asked me to sign a piece of paper. After reading the paper it said that there are risks to the fetus/baby by doing an MRI and the risks are not yet confirmed if severe or slight. My dr. told me that they would cover my stomach and the baby would be fine but she was wrong. In an MRI there is nothing to cover your stomach from the UV Rays. Or whatever Rays they have? So I had to decline the MRI. I was so upset. I do not want to put Anissa at risk at all but I am at the same time MISERABLE! I do not know what to do and they cant prescribe anything to help the problem bc they have no idea what the problem is. So frustrating. So yeah anyway, I did get some good news though- I don’t have diabetes and my glucose test turned out fine. So at least I have some good news but how I am going to survive the next 2 months w this migraine I don’t know. And then last nite I have Braxton hicks contractions really bad all nite and it was aweful and this morning Anissa was again trying to escape my belly and lay on the soft PQ bed. It was SOOOO painful. I just lay there and moan. I wonder what Mandrae thinks. Haha.
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
pregnancy pics from Jared!
Jared Wanzer took amazing pics. Here are some of the preg. pics he took. If you want to see more u can see them at http://www.jaredwanzerphotography.com/Other/Karissa-Baby-Shower/9634457_vtTaa.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009
The latest update
Ok so I just got a call from my dr, here is the news:
My MRI for my brain and migraines is on Monday.
I failed the glucose/diabetes test and so could possibly have diabetes and have a 4 hr. glucose test on Thursday this week.
I am anemic and now have to take iron pills or chewables.
So I got 3 sets of bad news in one call.
I am kinda frustrated.
My MRI for my brain and migraines is on Monday.
I failed the glucose/diabetes test and so could possibly have diabetes and have a 4 hr. glucose test on Thursday this week.
I am anemic and now have to take iron pills or chewables.
So I got 3 sets of bad news in one call.
I am kinda frustrated.
baby blues
So I have been having some major migraines lately. I seemed to get really sick on Monday after the baby shower and it just stayed with me. So on Thursday my migraines were really bad so I went to Labor and Delivery to get checked out. Before I went my blood pressure was really high at 148/98 and then when I got to the hospital it was down to 110/60. (whatever!) They gave me a shot in my rear to take away the pain and the shot was supposed to knock you out and make you feel drunk so that you cant walk or feel pain. Well it sure did knock me out and the nurse asked me how I felt and if I had pain and at the time I was knocked out and pretty much in a deep sleep and I said I am fine and went back to sleep. Then they released me while I was asleep and when I woke up my migraine was WAY worse. I told the nurse and she got made at me! I cant help that when she asked me before that I was too asleep to give her a straight answer, I was knocked out. Anyway I convinced her to let me go home anyway bc i was so tired and so mandrae wheeled me out in a wheel chair. So she said that the shots affects would only last about 6 hours. So I got up to go to work the next day, still w the migraine and I had to hold my eyes open the entire way to work! It was the hardest time I have ever had driving. By the time I got to work I was pretty much asleep and stayed at work for an hour (fell asleep a few times) and had to go home. I was SO OUTTA IT! So when I finally got home (mom had to keep me awake on the way home- thanks mom) I slept til 6 pm straight, completely knocked out. My body must have been exhausted! It was bad. Anyway I woke up feeling aweful! My migraines just wont go away and they are in the back right of my brain. Feels like someone stuck a knife back there and sometimes turns the knife. It hurts to open my mouth or move my head in any direction whatsoever. It hurts to eat, drink and talk. My poor husband. I am so miserable that I take it out on him bc I just cant function. Today it is not as bad but it comes back late at nite. URGH.
So yesterday was my next dr. appt and I took the glucose test and drank my bottle of orange sugar water and then they took my blood. They think I am anemic bc my blood was clear looking. I am still waiting to hear the results. I also got a Rhogan shot and it wasnt that bad but my arm is real sore now. They are also setting me up with an MRI bc of my migraines bc they have no idea what would be causing it. So sometime this week I have to go and get an MRI. FUN FUN! It is a hectic week! I am really struggling. I do not want to be preg anymore and I just want to see Anissa NOW. Then I found out that now my due date is Dec. 18th. The one I had before was wrong. So now I have to wait EVEN longer!!!! I think that Katrina and I had pretty much the same due date. That is cool. :) Anyway I have also gained a total of 20 lbs. That is ALOT! I have gained 10 lbs since my last appt. MAN! I need to slow down eating I guess but dr. sd that I am right where I need to be. And this baby is kicking me like crazy. I just want this to be over and I want to deliver right now. I cant take these long days of work and I am so tired. Please pray for me. I want this to be over.
So I have been having some major migraines lately. I seemed to get really sick on Monday after the baby shower and it just stayed with me. So on Thursday my migraines were really bad so I went to Labor and Delivery to get checked out. Before I went my blood pressure was really high at 148/98 and then when I got to the hospital it was down to 110/60. (whatever!) They gave me a shot in my rear to take away the pain and the shot was supposed to knock you out and make you feel drunk so that you cant walk or feel pain. Well it sure did knock me out and the nurse asked me how I felt and if I had pain and at the time I was knocked out and pretty much in a deep sleep and I said I am fine and went back to sleep. Then they released me while I was asleep and when I woke up my migraine was WAY worse. I told the nurse and she got made at me! I cant help that when she asked me before that I was too asleep to give her a straight answer, I was knocked out. Anyway I convinced her to let me go home anyway bc i was so tired and so mandrae wheeled me out in a wheel chair. So she said that the shots affects would only last about 6 hours. So I got up to go to work the next day, still w the migraine and I had to hold my eyes open the entire way to work! It was the hardest time I have ever had driving. By the time I got to work I was pretty much asleep and stayed at work for an hour (fell asleep a few times) and had to go home. I was SO OUTTA IT! So when I finally got home (mom had to keep me awake on the way home- thanks mom) I slept til 6 pm straight, completely knocked out. My body must have been exhausted! It was bad. Anyway I woke up feeling aweful! My migraines just wont go away and they are in the back right of my brain. Feels like someone stuck a knife back there and sometimes turns the knife. It hurts to open my mouth or move my head in any direction whatsoever. It hurts to eat, drink and talk. My poor husband. I am so miserable that I take it out on him bc I just cant function. Today it is not as bad but it comes back late at nite. URGH.
So yesterday was my next dr. appt and I took the glucose test and drank my bottle of orange sugar water and then they took my blood. They think I am anemic bc my blood was clear looking. I am still waiting to hear the results. I also got a Rhogan shot and it wasnt that bad but my arm is real sore now. They are also setting me up with an MRI bc of my migraines bc they have no idea what would be causing it. So sometime this week I have to go and get an MRI. FUN FUN! It is a hectic week! I am really struggling. I do not want to be preg anymore and I just want to see Anissa NOW. Then I found out that now my due date is Dec. 18th. The one I had before was wrong. So now I have to wait EVEN longer!!!! I think that Katrina and I had pretty much the same due date. That is cool. :) Anyway I have also gained a total of 20 lbs. That is ALOT! I have gained 10 lbs since my last appt. MAN! I need to slow down eating I guess but dr. sd that I am right where I need to be. And this baby is kicking me like crazy. I just want this to be over and I want to deliver right now. I cant take these long days of work and I am so tired. Please pray for me. I want this to be over.
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Just a thought
I am pretty sure my baby is going to come out saying, "Thank you for calling Fastruck, my name is Karissa, How can I help you?"........................................................poor thing has to listen to it all day long!
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Can a baby pop your bladder??
Is it possible that Anissa bought a trampoline without telling me and is jumping on it? I promise she just randomly jumps really hard and then oops.................
.....................................if u know what I mean?
Is it possible that Anissa bought a trampoline without telling me and is jumping on it? I promise she just randomly jumps really hard and then oops.................
.....................................if u know what I mean?
an even blonder moment
So on Saturday when we got to Hutchinson we ate lunch with my grandma and grandpa and Amanda and my mom and we had tea to drink. Mandrae only likes sweet tea so we gave him some sweetner for his tea and didnt think anything of it. After a few minutes, Mandrae looked at me with a look of disgust. I was like what?? He said, "TASTE THIS!" I tasted his tea and he had poured all 6 packets of sweetner in his lil cup of tea!!! It was aweful. I guess he has never used sweetner before and thought it was like regular sugar! He is CRAZY!!
Baby shower
The baby shower that my sister and mom threw on Sunday, September 13th was awesome!! IT was so much fun. 42 people showed up and we had in the backyard of my parents house in Hutchinson, Kansas. I saw people I have not seen for 8 years and so it was great. The decorations and everything was amazing. The food was awesome. There were a bunch of guys there and it was PERFECT. You couldnt ask for anything better! Here are a few pics. I will get more from Katrina later w pics of all the people that came to the shower. We got a ton of stuff and there isnt too much more that we will need. We got to see Parker and she is the cutest thing in the whole world! We are so excited to see Anissa now and Parker made us more anxious for Anissa to come. Anyway the baby shower was awesome. It was so great to see family again FINALLY and spend some time in Hutchinson. Thanks dad and mom and zak and katrina and grandma and grandpa for everything!

Bull Riding
Friday, September 11, 2009
I must have too much cushioning back there!
Ok so Mandrae finds this funny:
Yesterday when I got home Mandrae was sewing his button back on his shirt. Well I didn’t think anything of it. Then later on that night I went to sit by him while we were watching “More to Love” and didn’t notice anything. Then we got into a political debate and I moved forward on the couch and felt something slicing my rear. I reached down there and there was a needle STUCK in my rear. Like the needle literally had been sitting inside my skin and when I moved it poked out and I finally felt it. When I pulled it out, it hurt so bad and Mandrae just thinks this is the funniest thing in the whole world! So I have a long line in my rear where a needle once lived.
Yesterday when I got home Mandrae was sewing his button back on his shirt. Well I didn’t think anything of it. Then later on that night I went to sit by him while we were watching “More to Love” and didn’t notice anything. Then we got into a political debate and I moved forward on the couch and felt something slicing my rear. I reached down there and there was a needle STUCK in my rear. Like the needle literally had been sitting inside my skin and when I moved it poked out and I finally felt it. When I pulled it out, it hurt so bad and Mandrae just thinks this is the funniest thing in the whole world! So I have a long line in my rear where a needle once lived.
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Blonde Moment
ok so I wanted some sweet tea at work and I we have tea bags here. On the tea bags it says u can have it hot or iced. So I got a big cup of iced water and put 2 tea bags in it and stirred and stirred and stirred and the water was still clear and I so I yelled, "Why isnt my tea making tea?? What is wrong w these tea bags?" And Kris looked over the side of the desk and said, "Are you serious?" I was like what, it isnt working. She finally told me that u cant make tea like that and that u have to have hot water and then add it to ice to make iced tea. OOPS! You learn something new everyday.
New office
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Ok so I went to the pet store the other day with Carrie because mandrae wont take me and I saw the cutest dogs in the whole world!!! Here is a pug mix w some paper on his nose and then there are 2 videos of the other dogs. They are so cute. These puppies are HYPER! and SILLY! they are crazy. I felt so bad for them though!! they are stuck in those lil cages until someone will take them and they are starved for attention and just want to be played with or run around. poor babies!!!

So we had visitors over this weekend for Labor Day weekend, Larry and Carrie. They are moving to Texas in one month so we can all hang out and be in the same state. We are so excited. Well they came down and we had a bunch of stuff planned out. They had interviews and got their jobs right away within in minutes. Crazy huh?? And then we found them an apt as well. Then on Friday night we went to Magic Time Machine in Addison and it was aweful!!! We had Miley Cyrus as our waitress! And she sang to us and wouldn’t stop singing! It was bad. She shouldn’t be singing. They also put us at a normal non themed table. We had never been there and they had no idea what the restaurant was about and I couldn’t wait to take them. Well the other waiters and waitresses were all cool and the themes were awesome. Then the food came out and it was AWEFUL!!! And expensive! What a mess! Then Prince Charming came to our table and was a mess! He told us how much he loves his job bc he gets hit on by cougars all the time and he thinks they are sexy. We were like what??? He was acting so pimpish and unacceptable. It was crazy. So that was not a success!
The next day we went to Medieval Times in Dallas. It was fun. They served us half a baby hen, ribs, tomato soup, half a baked potato, garlic bread, pepsi, and an applie turnover. It was good. The show was great too. It lasted 2 hours and was well worth the price we pd to get in. I had some issues sitting that long. I had major back pain but other than that it was great. Here are pics from it.

So we had visitors over this weekend for Labor Day weekend, Larry and Carrie. They are moving to Texas in one month so we can all hang out and be in the same state. We are so excited. Well they came down and we had a bunch of stuff planned out. They had interviews and got their jobs right away within in minutes. Crazy huh?? And then we found them an apt as well. Then on Friday night we went to Magic Time Machine in Addison and it was aweful!!! We had Miley Cyrus as our waitress! And she sang to us and wouldn’t stop singing! It was bad. She shouldn’t be singing. They also put us at a normal non themed table. We had never been there and they had no idea what the restaurant was about and I couldn’t wait to take them. Well the other waiters and waitresses were all cool and the themes were awesome. Then the food came out and it was AWEFUL!!! And expensive! What a mess! Then Prince Charming came to our table and was a mess! He told us how much he loves his job bc he gets hit on by cougars all the time and he thinks they are sexy. We were like what??? He was acting so pimpish and unacceptable. It was crazy. So that was not a success!
The next day we went to Medieval Times in Dallas. It was fun. They served us half a baby hen, ribs, tomato soup, half a baked potato, garlic bread, pepsi, and an applie turnover. It was good. The show was great too. It lasted 2 hours and was well worth the price we pd to get in. I had some issues sitting that long. I had major back pain but other than that it was great. Here are pics from it.

Thursday, September 3, 2009
Nervous Wreck
Ok so for all of you out there that have been pregnant please help me out here. I am a nervous wreck! All day at work yesterday I have shooting pains down my back and into my rear and I can’t even stand up after sitting for so long. I have to sit for 10 hours a day and I guess my body can’t take it. I went to HR to see if they had anything they could help me with and they don’t. They said that it is the baby sitting on a nerve and that the only to help it is to walk around every 30 minutes but with the job I have I cant do that. On top of that I was cramping pretty bad yesterday. I called my doctor and the nurse didn’t seem too worried and told me to just walk around and if the cramping continued to call her back. Well it did but eventually went away last night. BUT I can’t take the back pain. I mean it really hurts and I wish there was something that I could do about it.
On top of that the baby is barely moving now. Last night she didn’t move at all. I was so worried all night long. I am just full of worry right now. I don’t want to do anything wrong or miss any signs of trouble and lose the baby. It is a scary thing and I am exhausted from just worrying all the time. If I could just buy a heart monitor and sonogram machine I would!! My body is getting to be warn out from all of this stress though. Why can’t the doctor see me every week? I will pay for it, I don’t even care anymore.
On top of that the baby is barely moving now. Last night she didn’t move at all. I was so worried all night long. I am just full of worry right now. I don’t want to do anything wrong or miss any signs of trouble and lose the baby. It is a scary thing and I am exhausted from just worrying all the time. If I could just buy a heart monitor and sonogram machine I would!! My body is getting to be warn out from all of this stress though. Why can’t the doctor see me every week? I will pay for it, I don’t even care anymore.
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
So this weekend I had my first parties ever for Private Quarters and I was so nervous and had no idea what to do and was dreading it. I was not excited and have to admit was scared. Like giving a speech in college. Well my first party was on Saturday and I knew almost everyone that came and so thought I would do a good job. I flew through the presentation and I don’t think I did good at all. It was really awkward and I asked Mandrae not to be there because I was nervous and scared to do it. Well we still ended up with A LOT of sales and the party ended up great! The best part I have to say though are the host rewards. My host got a lot of great products for pretty much nothing. She ended up getting 5 of the 7 layers for her bed at NOTHING! It was amazing. Well the next day on Sunday we had 2 parties scheduled. These I was nervous for because I do not know anyone that comes to these parties. I thought that I would do worse with people I don’t know. Mandrae agreed to help me out at these parties. Well 2:00 pm rolled around for the first party and no one. No one ended up showing up. My host was upset. It was okay though because her mom had a party at 4:30 pm. At her party 4 people showed up and they all bought! The presentation was much easier and much better. I am loving showing off these products because I love them so so much! I am learning so so much. She sold so much that she got even more products for nothing. So for a total of around 4 hours I made about the same amount of money that I make at my job now in one week. It was amazing and we see the money right away. I am convinced that this will work as a job and I cant wait to see what is in store for the future. When people see how nice these products are they will come running back for more. And once I get everything lined up and started and they see me making the big bucks I will be ready to go and people will be begging to start w the company. YAY!
Okay well I just had to share because I am so excited about my weekend and how much money we made, how easy it was, and how much fun it was.
And praise the Lord our bowling league is over!!! Mandrae and I got first place and are super exhausted from the league and the stress of making sure everyone pays and comes each week. The bowling alley is super nice and say they will still make us a trophy and gave us our prize winnings for pizza on the last day. That was really nice of them bc we owed them a lot of money since not everyone showed up each week. So it ended good and people want us to do it again but we are not so sure about that. We will see I guess.
Okay well I just had to share because I am so excited about my weekend and how much money we made, how easy it was, and how much fun it was.
And praise the Lord our bowling league is over!!! Mandrae and I got first place and are super exhausted from the league and the stress of making sure everyone pays and comes each week. The bowling alley is super nice and say they will still make us a trophy and gave us our prize winnings for pizza on the last day. That was really nice of them bc we owed them a lot of money since not everyone showed up each week. So it ended good and people want us to do it again but we are not so sure about that. We will see I guess.
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