Tuesday, October 20, 2009


So I had my dr. appt yesterday and expressed my concerns like normal with my intense back pain and pre term labor symptoms and of course was blown off once again. So now I don’t even bother anymore. I will just keep living and if something is wrong, I will go to labor an delivery and deal with someone else. URGH. So yeah anyway I have gained a total of 25 lbs so far and am up to 167 lbs. YIKES! But I was the smallest preg lady in there. So I guess I should be thankful. (?) The only problem now is that they found white blood cells in my urine and so there is an infection somewhere and they are sending in samples to see what is wrong.

And I now have the pleasure of not only being kicked in my right side still but also in my ribs now!!! And now that is PAIN! Now I really am gonna pass out. This is crazy!! No one ever talks about how painful these kicks are! What is wrong w me?
I am about 33 to 34 weeks now and we are ready!

Well the good news is that Mandrae is SOOO ready!! He couldn’t be more excited or ready for Anissa to come. He is shocked at how ready he is. He wants her out now. So cute.
That sonogram really made a difference. It seems so real now.
Well anyway I go back in 2 weeks when I start my maternity leave and then 2 weeks after that I should be getting another sonogram if she isn’t here by then. We will see.


  1. I took 2 weeks off before Lexi arrived. Is that what you are doing too? It's so worth it!!! You can get so much done and get some rest before your world is turned upside down. How much time will you take off after? I did 3 months and I thought that was ideal!

    You are going to LOVE being a mommy! Don't worry if the dishes/laundry/etc aren't done. You sleep when Anissa sleeps or you will not be able to function!

    I'm really glad Mandrae is ready! I think that's how it is for guys. The sonograms really put it in perspective. The pics look great.

    About the kicking - I think you just have a really tall girl in there. Lexi was 21 inches when born and I never experienced that painful kicking. She would move inside and I'd see her shoulder go from one side of my belly to the other. It looked like an alien was inside me!

  2. That is crazy!! why is it so painful for me?? i dont understand that! everyone i talk to says that it shouldnt hurt when they move! urgh that is so frustrating bc it hurts so so so bad!

    and yeah i am taking a month off before but i am sure she will come early and it will be more like 1 to 2 weeks before she comes.

    we only get 6 weeks maternity leave once she is here so that is all i will taking most likely unless my dr. insists :) on my staying out longer. ;)
