We went to the alliance air show on Sunday. It is at the Alliance airport across the street from my job. So we got to park in our parking lot at work and walk to the air show, which was SUPER nice bc they charge $20 to park!!! My job also provided free lunch of hot dogs, chips and sodas. It was so nice. The air show was pretty cool I have to say. We got to see all the different kinds of airplanes and go inside them. Mandrae showed me all the planes he rode on, on his way to Iraq when he was with the Globetrotters. We took Larry and Carrie (our friends from our cruise that moved here about 2 weeks ago- YAY!) and they were in the navy and so they LOVED it. There was alot of good food and the planes did some cool tricks in the air. The planes were LOUD though and everyone had ear plugs in and poor Anissa! Every time the plane (atomic bomb) flew by she would kick me so hard bc either the noise scared her or made her mad! Poor girl. We were there for probably 5 hours and there was no where to sit down and so that was really hard on my feet and back but it was fun. I even saw Uncle Dean and his daughter Candace and son in law so that was good.
Regarding the picture below, there was a plane and they named it the puking dogs w a pic on it and I thought HOW PERFECT that is for my lil bebe. She should be the PILOT!
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