Friday, October 9, 2009

pre term labor?

Pre Term Labor- Hmmmm…………………………..
Ok so I did want to have Anissa early and wanted to have pre term labor but now that I think that I am experiencing it I no longer want her to come early and so am trying to find out how to make it go away without having to go to the hospital. Why do I think this? Well first of all when I sit down or sleep on my side w my knees pulled to my hips Anissa touches my legs with her arms or something and so that shows you how low she is sitting and so it seems that she is getting into position. It is a crazy feeling. Also all day yesterday I was having Braxton Hicks contractions in my stomach, didn’t feel too well, wasn’t that hungry, had cramping (menstrual and abdominal cramping), and also have been having diarrhea. When I looked it up online it says those are all signs of pre term labor. I don’t want that right now and it says to rest but how long can I prolong these effects?
Anyway we have a 4D sonogram tomorrow at 1:45 with Storkvision here in Ft. Worth and we are excited. They are going to get us a 20 min DVD and then a CD rom with around 30 pics on it. I cant wait to see her and this will also be a way for me to see how low she is and see if everything is ok because I just need to see her and make sure she is ok.


  1. Can't wait for you to post the storkvision shots. It will be nice to see her... AND in 4-D. That is awesome!

    Yeah, as uncomfortable as it is, I am glad you realize that you do not want her to be born early. Lungs of a 37-week baby are a LOT less mature and healthy than a 38-weeker. That is kinda the magic week to get past to ensure she does not end up in the NICU. Davis was born at 38 weeks and he STILL needed a week in the ICU to help him clear out his lungs. Every day inside counts so I am glad you are embracing the idea of keeping her in as long as you can.

    Those CAN be signs of early labor, but think of them more as signs that your body is getting ready to do this naturally... not early. It takes WEEKS for your body to prepare (start the Braxton contractions, cervix to ripen and lengthen, etc.) to give birth naturally.

    Some people don't show ANY of these symptoms and their bodies don't try to do it naturally so they are forced to be induced or have a c-section. These early signs are great indicators that your body is at least going to give it a shot. So, as hard as it is... be encouraged!

    I am glad to hear that things are starting to rumble. I was 1 centimeter for like three weeks. The best thing is that soon your appointments will be every single week. I just pray that she is still head down... that little stinker. Can't wait to meet her!

  2. P.S. When I say NATURALLY, I don't mean without pain meds... I just mean vaginally.


  3. you don't need pain meds, it's easy :-)

    and the diarhhea thing.... um yeah, your baby is coming.
