Friday, February 26, 2010

my medical update

Ok so I have had this back pain for 10 weeks now and have gone thru 3 different doctors to try and get it fixed. The back dr just took x rays and nothing was wrong and so then the family dr did 2 different gall bladder tests thinking that was what it was and just found out that it is not. So I went to the dr today to see what I need to do and she thinks that the epidural did some damage and so I have an MRI on monday to check the injection site and the tendions and ligaments that might be destroyed and then she can give me medication to take care of the ligaments and the pain. So hopefully I am close to a solution. I am so frustrated and tired of the pain. I havent gone back to work yet and so as soon as they fix me I will go because as long as I am in bed or can lay out somewhere I am ok but as soon as I go somewhere for the day I have major pain that feels like I am going to pass out. Here are pics of Anissa waiting on me at the dr office. All the nurses are in love w her. I was in my room and they took her out w them and were passing her around to all the nurses and receptionists and they were saying they were going to steal her and that she could pass as all of their babies bc their husbands were darker. It was hilarious bc I could hear them calling amber alert! ok well i was lil worried but i was right there so i could steal her back. :)

trip to the mall and first visit to the pet store

Anissa and I and Anieta, her soon to be babysitter when I go back to work took a trip to the mall to check out the puppies at the pet store and to get outta the house. Anissa loved looking at the rats, birds, mice and especially the puppies. The puppies loved her and were licking her thru the glass. :) Yay I have a mini animal lover just like me! :)

first babysitting adventure- valentines day

On Valentines Day, our friends Larry and Carrie agreed to take Anissa for the day so Mandrae and I could get some alone time. It was awesome but scary bc I have never left Anissa w anyone except maybe my mom and dad. They took bets that we would only be gone for one hour bc they didnt think we could go a whole day without her. O boy were they wrong :)
So that day we were gone until midnight. They took her right after church and all the way til midnight. We went to eat, a movie and then out to eat again w Mandraes cousin and his wife and then bowling w them.
When we picked her up she was asleep and did great w them. No problems at all. It was a great day!!!

my new favorite pics

I love these pics, they are my faves right now. Although I have taken over 500 pics of baby girl since she was born, they are all on facebook and so I have a tad bit too many to choose from :)

anissas first maverick game

we went to anissa first bball game last week and it was crazy!! the mavs were playing the heat and crazy enough it was kids night and so kids did time out shows and they had a baby race! so cute. anyway it was so so loud and anissa didnt sleep thru the game like parker did last year :(
she was so alert and hated when everyone cheered, she would toss her head back and forth til it stopped. it was sad, she is super sensative to noise! i can just say the word boo and she jumps and closes her eyes :) she is so silly.
anyway the mavs won and she watched the whole game and couldnt believe all the lights and people, she loved it and hated it at the same time.

anissas 2 month appt

So anissa had her 2 month check up and she was so so good. She had to get 6 shots and took it like a pro but my heart broke the whole time!! She now weighs 12.5 lbs and is 24 1/2 inches long! Her height is off the charts and so she is taller than the average baby! and her weight is in the 80 percentile. the only thing that the dr was concerned about was her feet. The dr said that her are bent inward because when she was in my stomach she was so smashed and so tight that her feet started to turn inward. CRAZY huh? so after she eats each day she has to have physical therapy w me to start to stretch them straight. that is what the dr told us to do. looks like it is working. Anissa is doing great and is kinda sleeping better but I wish I could say that she sleeps all the way thru the nite. I have it down to only waking up one time a nite to eat, so that is good.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

check it out

Unique Skins for cell, laptop, ect.

This website is awesome for you or as a gift. You can put skins on ur cell phone, laptop, ds, ect. You can put your own pics on ur device or choose from one of theirs. It is really cool and u can change how it looks often and it is really cheap. A great price. I am a huge fan. Just click on the banner and get started. :)

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

boo boo update

ok so i tried and tried to upload videos on here and even on you tube but i finally got the videos on facebook. so go to my facebook to see updated videos and pics of lil boo boo. it is the easiest way to upload videos and pics.

lil boo boo has been really happy lately. She is like a different baby. She just woke up one day and decided i am going to be happy. :) She is crazy. Mornings though she struggles and cries and cries and has no idea why. I realized that now she throws temper tantrums when she is sleepy and wants to go to bed. She fights her sleep. o well at least she can be awake for a long time and not cry, which is a change.
she is happiest when she gets to walk around with us and see things. she is so so nosy. :)

ok funny story:
so we would bathe her and bathe her and she still stunk and i couldnt figure it out. Then I realized she had milk stuck in her neck rolls and it was stinky. So I cleaned all of it out and she was much better. Well the other day I cleaned her off and she still stunk and I couldnt figure it out. I then found the problem. She had milk stuck in her double chin roll. :) haha it was hilarious!
shes so silly.

Friday, February 5, 2010

all of nissa's new pics

go to this site and u can see all of her new pics