Friday, February 26, 2010

anissas first maverick game

we went to anissa first bball game last week and it was crazy!! the mavs were playing the heat and crazy enough it was kids night and so kids did time out shows and they had a baby race! so cute. anyway it was so so loud and anissa didnt sleep thru the game like parker did last year :(
she was so alert and hated when everyone cheered, she would toss her head back and forth til it stopped. it was sad, she is super sensative to noise! i can just say the word boo and she jumps and closes her eyes :) she is so silly.
anyway the mavs won and she watched the whole game and couldnt believe all the lights and people, she loved it and hated it at the same time.

1 comment:

  1. Hehe. It looks like you and Larry are the parents. :o)

    We gotta get her a Mavs cheerleader outfit.
