Monday, November 2, 2009

Ole School Holiness

Destiny Church
Sunday, November 1, 2009
Ole School Holiness
1 Peter 1: 16-19
Social Media has a HUGE impact on the world today. (face book, blogs, myspace, twitter, utube, tv internet, ipods, dvrs, ect)We now have access to the Bible through the actual book, our phones, online but do we have it in our hearts?What is missing today? An emphasis on holiness.This is an aspect of faith that only works when we have the right mentality. We cant have a worldy mindset.When you travel on an airplane and want to use ur internet you have to pay to use the air card. The only thing is that you can only use the internet when you are at least 10,000 feet in the air or higher. You cannot use their internet when you are on the ground.Same with with faith and holiness, it only works when we have the correct Godly mindset. The solution to our issues or problems in life might be that we need to live holy.Our society has broken away from holiness and we need to get back to the ole school holiness that used to be so important. Whenever we choose the world’s way and not God, we are rejecting holiness. Our society needs better people- not better finances, jobs, technology, fundraisers, homes, ect- we need people with a desire to be holy. We need to have a zeal for God but in accordance to knowledge.
1 Timothy 4:3This passage talks about men out in the world professing truths that are not holy or true. These men are lovers of money, of self, unloving, unholy, haters, lovers of pleasure rather than God. 2 Timothy 3:4-7For example, I was watching the Tyra show the other day (just so I can see what Anissa will be growing up with and hearing in the world). Tyra tends to profess a lot of worldly views and truths that are completely wrong but this show really hit me hard. They were talking about living out your sexual fantasies and there was a Christian childrens writer (woman) on the show who wanted to be a porn star having sex with 2 men for one day while her boyfriend filmed her. Her boyfriend came on the show and she told him that she wanted to act out that fantasy and he didn’t want her to. Tyra and the audience booed him and told him that he is close minded and not a supportive boyfriend for not allowing it and Tyra convinced the woman to act out her fantasy anyway and turn it into a reality. I was appalled.
Because of our relationship with God we ought to live holy. We are called to live like Christ. The question becomes how will we live when we get to heaven? Not are we going to heaven because we already know that we are. We need to have the fear of God.We have minimalized God so much now a days that we have lost the fear of God. God will still judge us accordingly.
Single women need to remember to marry a man that loves God more than they love you. (quote from pastor, just had to throw that in)
Once we become believers, our previous generations no longer will hold us down. We are no longer held back by generational curses, our parents, grandparents, and relatives and their evil ways. We no longer have an excuse. Because of the blood of Jesus we have a new zip code in Christ and that is holiness. We are to choose not to continue in sin because we don’t want God to be mad at us. It is one thing to have your spouse mad at you but a whole other thing to have God mad at you.
What are the benefits of being holy?Everyone in Christ gets the basic benefits but how you live impacts your commission. Pastor, before he became a pastor was a suit salesman and they gave him a base salary plus a commission for every suit he sold. It is the same with our benefits in Christ. How we live impacts our commission in Christ. God promises a special commission with Him when we live holy.We are called to be gracious when it is in our power to be gracious. Just because man (even management at your job) tells you to do something doesn’t mean we are to do it- we are to follow God only, and if Gods way contradicts the human instructions then we regroup and follow Gods instructions. We are to obey God’s mission. Pastor went to see his grandmother in a nursing home to check on her because she has had a lot of surgeries on her bad knees, back, shoulders and hips and is bed ridden 24-7. When he got there he asked her how life is sitting in a bed all the time and all she had was tv and gross food. The first and only thing outta her mouth was, “GOD IS GOOD!”

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