Friday, November 20, 2009
Almost ready
so yesterday I had my 37 week sonogram and the lady that did the sonogram was shocked when she was trying to find the baby. The baby was so low she couldnt even see her face! it was crazy and she told me that she thought that i was dialated and to get it checked bc the baby was in position! so after being weighed, 181 LBS!!! (ive gained 40 lbs so far! golly!), the dr. (who didnt believe that i was dialated) checked me and sd that I am 2 to 3 cm dialated and the baby could come any time now. and it could be 2 to 3 weeks til she comes too. She said that I measure on my stomach outwardly with a 35 week baby but on the sono the baby weighs 7 lbs right now and so I am measuring big that way. That means my baby will be double the size of Parker! so sad! Anyway the dr. said that if the baby gets bigger I might need to be induced because she is pretty big right now. Anyway I am just sitting here waiting on lil baby to come. Mandrae is super excited for her to come. It is so cute. We are all ready!
Friday, November 13, 2009
9 months- 37 weeks
Ok here are pics of me at 9 months last nite. I feel like I gain 3 lbs a day! URGH! I am big, ready to pop and ready for this baby to come. Today is Mandrae's bday and we were hoping Anissa would be born today but doesnt seem like that will happen. He is getting off at 6 pm today and so we are going to Olive Garden for dinner and then to the movie 2012 at 10 pm. Fun Fun! He is turning 26 years old. Happy Birthday Mandrae.

Monday, November 9, 2009
Nov. 8th, 2009
"Devastated but not destroyed"
2 Corinthians 4
Destiny Church
People in the world are snapping:
- the shooting at the airforce base in Texas (shooter snapped)
- Rhianna and Chris Brown (chris brown snapped)
- the father that ran over his daughter because she was too westernized (father snapped)
- the pastor in Oklahoma that killed himself
- people are losing their jobs, houses and family members
- people are going through divorces and leaving each other
we might be devastated but we cannot be destroyed
We need to live with new covenant which is based on Christ and what He can do not what we can do.
On our worst day there is still good news- the Gospel.
The best is still yet to come.
We still have trials to go through though.
We need to remember that whatever we have or wherever we are going is because of the grace of God. Just because we have trials doesnt mean that we will not triumph.
1. We are afflicted in every way but not crushed.
Regardless of the affliction we experience, God still loves us and cares. Just because we are in a jam doesnt mean that we cant have joy.
Most people think that your marriage is bad if you have trials but the good and honorable thing about marriage is holding your commitment to each other in all the trials of life.
Having joy in trials isnt saying it will be a joyous time for you but that your attitude should be one of joy in the midst of trial.
Knowing God and having faith in the midst of trials should be enough to give us joy in our trials. God is in process of working something out for our good in the midst of the bad.
2. We can be perplexed but not despairing:
meaning that we can be confused- just because we cant figure out what or why God does what he does, doesnt mean we are losers or low in our faith.
3. We are persecuted but not forsaken:
Just bc we are going thru trials, doesnt mean that God doesnt love us.
Romans 8:30-35
Gods relationship with us is like super glue. To seperate the bond of super glue you have to acutally pull off the other side that it is glued to. When God makes a bond with us, it is stronger than any other bond. If God is stuck to us, who can come between us? No one can stop God's plan. Whatever comes our way we may be devastated but we are not ultimately destroyed.
4. We are struck down but not destoyed.
When your a believer in Jesus you cant be knocked down.
Just like the toy we all used to get for Christmas. The toy that cost like $7 that we played with the most despite the multitude of gifts that we got for Christmas. The lil punching bags that u blow up and they have sand in the bottom of them. When your kids go to sleep and u r turning off lights and walking around putting everything away, you see the punching man and u start to hit. No matter how many times u hit that lil blow up punching man you cant knock him down! That is the same way we are with Christ, we can get struck down but no one can knock us down.
weve all felt devastated but God has not hung us our to dry.
How can we know our purpose in Christ?
The general purpose of all believers is:
1. Worship Him
2. Be apart of the body of Christ (church) and be involved in a ministry
3. Share your faith
The specific purpose for us all comes down to our personality, experiences, ect. We are to just live a holy life and God will bring us the opportunities that we need to fulfill our purpose in Him. We just need to be open and available and live a holy life.
It is okay to not know your specific purpose. It will be revealed to you in time.
Will you go to heaven if you kill yourself?
Yes! Alot of people believe that u cant go to heaven once u kill yourself bc you never had a chance to confess that sin and when Christ died on the cross he died for ALL of our sins. Past, present and future sins! He died before we were ever born and so he died for all of our sins, including the ones we have not committed yet. If we were to die in a car accident right now, there will be some sins that we were not able to confess to too and we will still go to heaven. Same with killing yourself. Christ already died for that sin.
"Devastated but not destroyed"
2 Corinthians 4
Destiny Church
People in the world are snapping:
- the shooting at the airforce base in Texas (shooter snapped)
- Rhianna and Chris Brown (chris brown snapped)
- the father that ran over his daughter because she was too westernized (father snapped)
- the pastor in Oklahoma that killed himself
- people are losing their jobs, houses and family members
- people are going through divorces and leaving each other
we might be devastated but we cannot be destroyed
We need to live with new covenant which is based on Christ and what He can do not what we can do.
On our worst day there is still good news- the Gospel.
The best is still yet to come.
We still have trials to go through though.
We need to remember that whatever we have or wherever we are going is because of the grace of God. Just because we have trials doesnt mean that we will not triumph.
1. We are afflicted in every way but not crushed.
Regardless of the affliction we experience, God still loves us and cares. Just because we are in a jam doesnt mean that we cant have joy.
Most people think that your marriage is bad if you have trials but the good and honorable thing about marriage is holding your commitment to each other in all the trials of life.
Having joy in trials isnt saying it will be a joyous time for you but that your attitude should be one of joy in the midst of trial.
Knowing God and having faith in the midst of trials should be enough to give us joy in our trials. God is in process of working something out for our good in the midst of the bad.
2. We can be perplexed but not despairing:
meaning that we can be confused- just because we cant figure out what or why God does what he does, doesnt mean we are losers or low in our faith.
3. We are persecuted but not forsaken:
Just bc we are going thru trials, doesnt mean that God doesnt love us.
Romans 8:30-35
Gods relationship with us is like super glue. To seperate the bond of super glue you have to acutally pull off the other side that it is glued to. When God makes a bond with us, it is stronger than any other bond. If God is stuck to us, who can come between us? No one can stop God's plan. Whatever comes our way we may be devastated but we are not ultimately destroyed.
4. We are struck down but not destoyed.
When your a believer in Jesus you cant be knocked down.
Just like the toy we all used to get for Christmas. The toy that cost like $7 that we played with the most despite the multitude of gifts that we got for Christmas. The lil punching bags that u blow up and they have sand in the bottom of them. When your kids go to sleep and u r turning off lights and walking around putting everything away, you see the punching man and u start to hit. No matter how many times u hit that lil blow up punching man you cant knock him down! That is the same way we are with Christ, we can get struck down but no one can knock us down.
weve all felt devastated but God has not hung us our to dry.
How can we know our purpose in Christ?
The general purpose of all believers is:
1. Worship Him
2. Be apart of the body of Christ (church) and be involved in a ministry
3. Share your faith
The specific purpose for us all comes down to our personality, experiences, ect. We are to just live a holy life and God will bring us the opportunities that we need to fulfill our purpose in Him. We just need to be open and available and live a holy life.
It is okay to not know your specific purpose. It will be revealed to you in time.
Will you go to heaven if you kill yourself?
Yes! Alot of people believe that u cant go to heaven once u kill yourself bc you never had a chance to confess that sin and when Christ died on the cross he died for ALL of our sins. Past, present and future sins! He died before we were ever born and so he died for all of our sins, including the ones we have not committed yet. If we were to die in a car accident right now, there will be some sins that we were not able to confess to too and we will still go to heaven. Same with killing yourself. Christ already died for that sin.
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Latest Dr. Update
Ok so I went to the dr. again yesterday. Another disappointing appt. I waited in the waiting room for 2 hours, one lady even walked out and yelled at them and sd that she was going to find a new dr. office, and then when I got in the room I waited one hour for the dr. Then when she finally got in there she was hungry, in a hurry and cranky. I was trying to get all my concerns and questions answered but shew as totally distracted. I asked about my ears because they ache like they are infected every single night and give me migraines every nite and I am miserable. She checked my ears and couldnt see anything and sd that even if i did have an infection she wouldnt give me anything anyway because they dont recommend treating them with anything anyway. (?) Then I told her about my back pain and hip pain and she cut me off and sd yeah that is normal and the only cure is to deliver, ok well see u in 2 weeks and walked out! What in the world??
She did check the babies heartbeat and it is 148 and that was it. I gained 6 lbs!! in 2 weeks!! That is alot! Man maybe I need to slow down?
The nurse before the dr was really helpful though. I told her about my cramps at nite and how I cant even walk in the morning bc my cramps are so bad and she told me to eat bananas and that she got them all the time too when she was pregnant. So that was helpful at least.
Anyway I guess we will see when Anissa comes.
I am totally clueless as to if she is even close to coming now. Before I thought it would be anyday but who knows now.
The nurse told me I need to take it easy and keep my feet up but the dr. didnt really care what I do.
Anyway I get a sonogram on Nov. 19th at my next appt so Mandrae will go with me then. Except we were hoping she would come on the 13th but we will see. Maybe we still have a chance for the 21st?
She did check the babies heartbeat and it is 148 and that was it. I gained 6 lbs!! in 2 weeks!! That is alot! Man maybe I need to slow down?
The nurse before the dr was really helpful though. I told her about my cramps at nite and how I cant even walk in the morning bc my cramps are so bad and she told me to eat bananas and that she got them all the time too when she was pregnant. So that was helpful at least.
Anyway I guess we will see when Anissa comes.
I am totally clueless as to if she is even close to coming now. Before I thought it would be anyday but who knows now.
The nurse told me I need to take it easy and keep my feet up but the dr. didnt really care what I do.
Anyway I get a sonogram on Nov. 19th at my next appt so Mandrae will go with me then. Except we were hoping she would come on the 13th but we will see. Maybe we still have a chance for the 21st?
So I was sitting in church the other day and realized something. I am so excited to go to church and learn what the pastor has to say and preach on. I am so excited to learn more about God. I remember in high school I hated listening to the sermon and just wanted to go for praise and worship but now I cant wait to hear the sermon and learn how to live a better life married and at work and as a future parent. I am so encouraged that I have this excitement inside of me and it just makes me so happy. Just thought I would share that I have the joy of the Lord inside of me and excitement of becoming a stronger Christian. Praise God, He is good! I think that moving to Fort Worth has really helped me get excited to share the Word. I hated it at first but maybe that was God's way of getting me to become stronger in my faith. It is crazy how God puts you in areas that you are not happy with or comfortable and then He reveals why He does it. I guess we are where God wants us. :)
R U kidding me?
Ok so yesterday I went to Target after my dr. appt. and I was getting outta my car and there was a family next to me that was loading their car. The wife turned her head and her empty cart started to roll down the hill and she looked at it and then turned her head and got in her car. The cart was rolling really fast and heading towards a van because she was on top of a hill. There was a Target worker there w a lot of carts and the cart rolled right by him and he didnt move. The cart was going towards a car and was going to hit it hard. I guess the worker wanted to see it hit the car- who knows. So I being pregnant took off! I ran as fast as I could and just barely saved the poor van. I turned around walked the cart to the worker and walked inside. No one seemed to care that the van was saved. Who knows what this world is coming to when 3 grown adults watch a preg woman chase down a cart when they were all closer in the first place! ?
Monday, November 2, 2009
Ole School Holiness
Destiny Church
Sunday, November 1, 2009
Ole School Holiness
1 Peter 1: 16-19
Social Media has a HUGE impact on the world today. (face book, blogs, myspace, twitter, utube, tv internet, ipods, dvrs, ect)We now have access to the Bible through the actual book, our phones, online but do we have it in our hearts?What is missing today? An emphasis on holiness.This is an aspect of faith that only works when we have the right mentality. We cant have a worldy mindset.When you travel on an airplane and want to use ur internet you have to pay to use the air card. The only thing is that you can only use the internet when you are at least 10,000 feet in the air or higher. You cannot use their internet when you are on the ground.Same with with faith and holiness, it only works when we have the correct Godly mindset. The solution to our issues or problems in life might be that we need to live holy.Our society has broken away from holiness and we need to get back to the ole school holiness that used to be so important. Whenever we choose the world’s way and not God, we are rejecting holiness. Our society needs better people- not better finances, jobs, technology, fundraisers, homes, ect- we need people with a desire to be holy. We need to have a zeal for God but in accordance to knowledge.
1 Timothy 4:3This passage talks about men out in the world professing truths that are not holy or true. These men are lovers of money, of self, unloving, unholy, haters, lovers of pleasure rather than God. 2 Timothy 3:4-7For example, I was watching the Tyra show the other day (just so I can see what Anissa will be growing up with and hearing in the world). Tyra tends to profess a lot of worldly views and truths that are completely wrong but this show really hit me hard. They were talking about living out your sexual fantasies and there was a Christian childrens writer (woman) on the show who wanted to be a porn star having sex with 2 men for one day while her boyfriend filmed her. Her boyfriend came on the show and she told him that she wanted to act out that fantasy and he didn’t want her to. Tyra and the audience booed him and told him that he is close minded and not a supportive boyfriend for not allowing it and Tyra convinced the woman to act out her fantasy anyway and turn it into a reality. I was appalled.
Because of our relationship with God we ought to live holy. We are called to live like Christ. The question becomes how will we live when we get to heaven? Not are we going to heaven because we already know that we are. We need to have the fear of God.We have minimalized God so much now a days that we have lost the fear of God. God will still judge us accordingly.
Single women need to remember to marry a man that loves God more than they love you. (quote from pastor, just had to throw that in)
Once we become believers, our previous generations no longer will hold us down. We are no longer held back by generational curses, our parents, grandparents, and relatives and their evil ways. We no longer have an excuse. Because of the blood of Jesus we have a new zip code in Christ and that is holiness. We are to choose not to continue in sin because we don’t want God to be mad at us. It is one thing to have your spouse mad at you but a whole other thing to have God mad at you.
What are the benefits of being holy?Everyone in Christ gets the basic benefits but how you live impacts your commission. Pastor, before he became a pastor was a suit salesman and they gave him a base salary plus a commission for every suit he sold. It is the same with our benefits in Christ. How we live impacts our commission in Christ. God promises a special commission with Him when we live holy.We are called to be gracious when it is in our power to be gracious. Just because man (even management at your job) tells you to do something doesn’t mean we are to do it- we are to follow God only, and if Gods way contradicts the human instructions then we regroup and follow Gods instructions. We are to obey God’s mission. Pastor went to see his grandmother in a nursing home to check on her because she has had a lot of surgeries on her bad knees, back, shoulders and hips and is bed ridden 24-7. When he got there he asked her how life is sitting in a bed all the time and all she had was tv and gross food. The first and only thing outta her mouth was, “GOD IS GOOD!”
Sunday, November 1, 2009
Ole School Holiness
1 Peter 1: 16-19
Social Media has a HUGE impact on the world today. (face book, blogs, myspace, twitter, utube, tv internet, ipods, dvrs, ect)We now have access to the Bible through the actual book, our phones, online but do we have it in our hearts?What is missing today? An emphasis on holiness.This is an aspect of faith that only works when we have the right mentality. We cant have a worldy mindset.When you travel on an airplane and want to use ur internet you have to pay to use the air card. The only thing is that you can only use the internet when you are at least 10,000 feet in the air or higher. You cannot use their internet when you are on the ground.Same with with faith and holiness, it only works when we have the correct Godly mindset. The solution to our issues or problems in life might be that we need to live holy.Our society has broken away from holiness and we need to get back to the ole school holiness that used to be so important. Whenever we choose the world’s way and not God, we are rejecting holiness. Our society needs better people- not better finances, jobs, technology, fundraisers, homes, ect- we need people with a desire to be holy. We need to have a zeal for God but in accordance to knowledge.
1 Timothy 4:3This passage talks about men out in the world professing truths that are not holy or true. These men are lovers of money, of self, unloving, unholy, haters, lovers of pleasure rather than God. 2 Timothy 3:4-7For example, I was watching the Tyra show the other day (just so I can see what Anissa will be growing up with and hearing in the world). Tyra tends to profess a lot of worldly views and truths that are completely wrong but this show really hit me hard. They were talking about living out your sexual fantasies and there was a Christian childrens writer (woman) on the show who wanted to be a porn star having sex with 2 men for one day while her boyfriend filmed her. Her boyfriend came on the show and she told him that she wanted to act out that fantasy and he didn’t want her to. Tyra and the audience booed him and told him that he is close minded and not a supportive boyfriend for not allowing it and Tyra convinced the woman to act out her fantasy anyway and turn it into a reality. I was appalled.
Because of our relationship with God we ought to live holy. We are called to live like Christ. The question becomes how will we live when we get to heaven? Not are we going to heaven because we already know that we are. We need to have the fear of God.We have minimalized God so much now a days that we have lost the fear of God. God will still judge us accordingly.
Single women need to remember to marry a man that loves God more than they love you. (quote from pastor, just had to throw that in)
Once we become believers, our previous generations no longer will hold us down. We are no longer held back by generational curses, our parents, grandparents, and relatives and their evil ways. We no longer have an excuse. Because of the blood of Jesus we have a new zip code in Christ and that is holiness. We are to choose not to continue in sin because we don’t want God to be mad at us. It is one thing to have your spouse mad at you but a whole other thing to have God mad at you.
What are the benefits of being holy?Everyone in Christ gets the basic benefits but how you live impacts your commission. Pastor, before he became a pastor was a suit salesman and they gave him a base salary plus a commission for every suit he sold. It is the same with our benefits in Christ. How we live impacts our commission in Christ. God promises a special commission with Him when we live holy.We are called to be gracious when it is in our power to be gracious. Just because man (even management at your job) tells you to do something doesn’t mean we are to do it- we are to follow God only, and if Gods way contradicts the human instructions then we regroup and follow Gods instructions. We are to obey God’s mission. Pastor went to see his grandmother in a nursing home to check on her because she has had a lot of surgeries on her bad knees, back, shoulders and hips and is bed ridden 24-7. When he got there he asked her how life is sitting in a bed all the time and all she had was tv and gross food. The first and only thing outta her mouth was, “GOD IS GOOD!”
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