Friday, June 26, 2009
Funniest Story In the Whole World!!
Ok so about a week ago we get a knock (ok well a bang- a few bangs) and so we answer the door and it is two little neighborhood boys. They ask us if we would like to buy a snow cone. And it was like 110 degrees that day and so we said OF COURSE. They said it is $0.25 for a small and $1.00 for a large and we thought wow that is a huge difference but okay. The only flavor they had was birthday cake. So I got a small because I am not a huge fan of snow cones and Mandrae got a large because he LOVES snow cones. So we put our orders in and they rode their bikes around the block to make our snow cones and then would bring them back on their bikes. We were not sure how that was going to work, riding a bike w a snow cone but we said okay that is fine- free delivery. So they were finally back with our snow cones and they first showed Mandrae his large snow cone which was in a normal sized plastic cup and was less than half full and Mandrae was like, “what is this?” But he paid them their $1.00 and then the other little boy pulled the small snow cone out from behind his back and said, “And here is the small snow cone.” And Mandrae busted out laughing. It was HILARIOUS!!! He tried not to laugh in their face and paid them $1.00 each for the delivery and shut the door before he lost it. Ok so my snow cone was in a tiny cup, the cups that you keep in the bathroom by your toothbrushes to wash out your mouth!! On top of that the cup only had about one teaspoon of snow cone in it. It was not even enough to get one swallow in! It was the funniest thing I have seen in my whole life, EVER! Man I wish more people were there. I took a pic of the cup, the picture makes the cup look a lot bigger than it was but man is it hilarious. So I took my one little sip of snow cone and by the way there was no ice in it, just birthday cake syrup. It was nasty but something I will never forget!

Monday, June 8, 2009
Destiny bowling league
So at our church, Destiny, we are doing summer fun family groups and Pastor asked me and mandrae to be in charge of bowling and get people to bowl and get to know each other and hang out. So we are starting a bowling league next Sunday with our bowling alley, Brunswick Lanes. We talked to our friend there and they are letting us start our own league and giving us a great deal! So we need 25 to 40 people total and we are doing 4 people teams. We play at 6:30 and play 3 games a nite for $10 a person including their shoes which is the cheapest league they can offer! So they are super nice to us! It will last 10 weeks and then on the 11th week we will give the winning a trophy that will be showplaced in the church and will be an ongoing league and we will keep putting the winners names on the trophy and will be a church wide competition for as long as they want to bowl year after year. We are excited. Also on the 11th day we will have a party and play for free the last week w a pizza party or prize money. It is super exciting for us and alot of people in the church are really excited to bowl so pray that we have alot of people join on Sunday. :)
2nd Dr.s Appt.
Today I had my 2nd Dr. appt. and it was crazy. I had to wait for an hour and a half and then I finally got to see the doctor. I told her the things that are happening now: throwing up still, my whole body just itches like crazy, and my heart issues from before and now. Then she was going to listen to the babies heart beat and so she had the machine on my tummy for 15 min and she couldnt find the heart beat anywhere. Last time I was in the dr. office she found it right away and that was 3 weeks ago and so she and I started to panick. She decided to give me another sonogram today to see if the baby was ok or still alive. I was so scared and almost started crying. I got in the sonogram room and she put the machine on my tummy and all we could see was this lil baby jumping up and down like crazy! It was hilarious and so so cute!!! The baby was just doing the worm on his back none stop! I had no idea that at this stage that the baby moves at all and definately never expected this! Also the baby is far back into my pelvis which is fine but that is why she couldnt find the heartbeat w her machine bc she cant see the baby and he was moving so so much that she couldnt keep up w him! :) So I feel so much better and got to hear the heart beat, thank goodness. I feel like I have gained so much weight but I weigh the EXACT same as I did last dr. appt. 142. Which is still big to me but at least I am not gaining a ton of weight bc I eat 24-7! Anyway on July 6th I get to find out what the baby is if the baby will move in the right way. So I am excited about that. O and hey sorry we changed the girls name if it is a girl.
We are now going to name the girl Anissa Beth Collins and the boy will still be Trae Cardell Collins. I hope it is a girl bc if it is her initials will be ABC and then we can do her room in ABCs. So cute.
We are now going to name the girl Anissa Beth Collins and the boy will still be Trae Cardell Collins. I hope it is a girl bc if it is her initials will be ABC and then we can do her room in ABCs. So cute.
baby shopping
Ok so the other day we went garage sale shopping for baby stuff and look what we found:
This is going to be the babys first christmas outfit. It is brand new in the box and is size 0 to 3 months. It is winnie the pooh and we got 2 sets of bibs too with it. Isnt it cute?

This is going to be the babys first christmas outfit. It is brand new in the box and is size 0 to 3 months. It is winnie the pooh and we got 2 sets of bibs too with it. Isnt it cute?

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